Ever since Frank Iero was a little boy he loved the sea. His father always told him that when he grows up he will be a sailor. He will get to see the world while his wife and kids are at home waiting for him to bring him all different kinds of toys, dresses, and painting from different parts around the world. Frank couldn't think of a better life. Frank's father was the mayor of the town, so Frank was very upper class and proper. He knew how to read maps, stars, and books. He had a tutor since he was five. Education was very important to the Iero family because knowledge mean power. That's why when Frank got into boats and the sea he was taught everything. Frank was now 22 and was getting ready to become a sailor, he had about a year before he would be completely ready to set sail.
He was about to get married to a girl named Jamia Nestor who was his childhood friend. They were allowed to get married because her father was a wealthy businessman. They planned an outside wedding, so they have to wait until the weather is warmer because the are just starting to get into winter. Jamia is always at their house asking about wedding preparations, colors, who they should invite, or what flowers should be in her bouquet. As much as Frank loved her he didn't always see eye to eye with her.
Tonight was like any other Thursday nights. Jamia was talking about the wedding and his father was discussing how Frank needs to start planning on what course he will want to take. Frank was zoning out, he wanted to just talk about what they like and was tired of only making plans. Frank noticed an amber glow outside the window. He got up which caused everyone to grow quiet and look at him.
"Honey, is everything ok?" Jamia asked.
"No. Father look at this the town is on fire." He exclaimed looking back to father, who has gotten up in a hurry to look.
"Pirates!" He yelled in a panic. "Frank get the guns, hide the girls, and get out here to help me."
Frank moved quickly grabbing Jamia and his mother and taking the to the basement. The girl was shaking in fear. After they got to the basement Frank let go of the and ran to get the guns and swords. Wrapping the belt around his waist he put one gun into his pocket along with the sword, the other stayed in his hand so that he could toss it to his father when they caught up to each other. Kissing Jamia on the lips and his mother on the cheek he left.
"Blasted pirates!" Was all he could mumble under his breath as he took off towards the town. HE caught up to his father and tossed him the gun. When they got to the town he saw the pirates fighting with everyone. Some were going into houses and taking what they want, but when they walked out they set the house on fire. There were people on the street getting shot, the pirates looked scary, and Frank was frozen. Frank has never had to deal with pirates before because this place was usually full or soldier to protect us.
"What are you doing looking around. Get moving and kill these sons of bitches!" His father yelled snapping him out of his horror-stricken trance.
Moving fast he shot a pirate that was about to pull out his sword. The adrenalin in his veins would cause him to shoot with a better aim. Pirates just kept coming out of all places. Somewhere too drunk to walk properly and would fall without anyone touching them. Frank was running low on bullets and unsheathing his sword.
The fight went on for hours when he saw a shadow from the corner of his eye run into an alleyway. Thinking it's another low life pirate Frank went off to chase him. Turning down different alleys he could tell the man he is chasing has a long leather coat, and the sound of his footsteps he wore his heavy boots. Frank pulled out his gun and shot his side.
The man let out a hiss of pain and turned to Frank. Frank knew he shouldn't have wasted his only bullet left unless he had a perfect shot. The man had a bandana hiding the bottom half of his face, his eyes were a soft hazel, his head had a black hat on it, but you could see his hair was an unnatural red. The man glared at me, but then smirked and looked me up and down. He took out his sword and started to walk towards Frank. Frank took out his sword and held it in front of him.
"Well, what do we have here? Looks like a little boy trying to be a man. Go home kid and I'll forgive you for the graze." The pirate mocked.
Frank glared at him. "I'm not a kid, you low life, I'm twenty-two."
"Really," the man truly looked shocked. "I thought you were only twelve." Frank's anger grew he hated being judged on his size. Frank swung his sword at the man who blocked his sword.
"Whoa, touchy subject? Well, it's ok cutie, size doesn't matter to me. By the way, my name's Gerard." He flirted with Frank.
"What?" Frank asked in confusion, but that was all Gerard needed to knock Frank to the ground.
Kneeling on top he grabbed his sword and threw it to the other side of the ally. Frank started to punch Gerard only to get his hands pinned down to the ground. They were both out of breath and were panting hard, Frank kept trying to squirm out of his grip, but Gerard would just tighten his grip or put more weight on his body. It was soon getting hard for Frank to breath so he slowed down his movements. Gerard smiled down at Frank and sat up a little to take a little of the pressure off his chest.
"Now, cutie you never told me your name and that's not polite," Gerard commented.
"What do you know about being polite, you're just a dirty pirate." Frank hissed.
Gerard growled, "Now cutie I asked you a question," He put Franks' hands into one hand and gripped his chin so he would look up at him. Frank glared at him but wouldn't say a word. "Not going to talk, I guess."
"Get off of me you jerk. My father will have your head." Frank ordered.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk cutie, and just who might your daddy be?" Gerard inquired.
Frank didn't say anything only looked away. Gerard growled again hating that he is being ignored. Getting up he pulled Frank roughly to his feet. Pulling his arms behind his back Gerard placed his chin on his shoulder.
"Now I'll give you one last chance. Tell me your name or no more mister nice captain." Frank could feel his warm breath against his ear as Gerard nibbled on it.
"F-f-frank," He felt his smirk against the side of his face.
"Good boy. Now say good night." Before Frank could question what he meant, but a pain started in his skull and black spots appeared in his vision. Frank felt Gerard pick him up before he lost consciousness.

Frerard Pirate Kidnap
FanfictionFrank is the mayor's son and soon-to-be Jamia's husband when one night in their small town pirates attack. Frank rushes to help his town fight them, but soon finds himself fighting Captain Gerard. Next thing he knows he is kidnapped by said pirate...