Actions And Consequences

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Hey, I'm sorry for not updating. This chapter isn't as long as I would like, but I couldn't keep you waiting so here is at least a small chapter and I'll get you the next one as soon as possible.

 Frank woke up to the door slamming shut, but he didn't dare open his eyes too afraid of seeing Gerard's face. He heard Gerard's footsteps around the cabin before he stopped by the bed. Frank felt him pull back the covers. He would have flinched but didn't want Gerard to know he was awake. Frank felt him sit on the bed and lean over him so that Gerard had one arm on one side of Frank, and his body on the other side.

"Sugar, it's time to wake up." Frank turned and looked up at Gerard with panic eyes.

"Gerard I know last night I got really mad and I destroyed your room. I'm sorry, but I did, with the help of Alex and Jack, try to clean it up. Please don't be too angry." Frank begged.

"Well you may feel bad and I understand your actions, but I do have to punish you sugar." Frank's face paled when he heard the word punishment.

"What- what is my punishment?" Frank stuttered.

"Well, I could make you clean the whole deck twice. All day you would be on your hands and knees, in the blazing sun. You would end up with blisters across your neck and your knees will feel like they are going to fall off if you stand up straight." Frank gulped at the thought of that and looked up at Gerard in fear. "But now thinking back to that punishment I couldn't bare the thought of you in pain or humiliation."

Frank tried to calm his beating heart. Gerard watched as Frank sat up and rested against the head of the bed.

"What are you planning then?" Frank asked.

"Well since you can no longer be trusted by yourself to be in a room without restraints," Gerard explained. "You will either have to be with me at all times or stay in a room tied to a chair all day." To Frank, neither choice sounded good. He knew he would regret his actions last night, but if he chooses to stay with Gerard he could at least be outside and gets to walk around.

"Well I don't want to be locked up all the time, so I guess I'll stay by your side," Frank grumbled not making eye contact with Gerard.

"Good. I, I mean, we have a lot of work today. How about we go get some breakfast then make sure everything is still in perfect condition from the storm. We might have to send some of the crew to shore to get new parts." Gerard explained while pulling Frank to the door.

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