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Hey, I am so sorry about not updating. October is a hard month to update with how busy my family is so busy. So for the rest of October, I will be trying to update all the times I can and not just on Mondays. When November comes I'll be back on track. Thank you for all of your support and understanding!!!

When Frank was done with his temper tantrum the room looked like a storm has hit it. All the books were knocked over from the bookshelf, the bedsheets were off the bed and thrown to the other side of the room, the desk in the corner was covered in the ink Frank knocked down, and last were the papers that Frank had crumbled up and thrown around the room. Frank knew he would be in trouble in the morning, but he needed to release all his pent up anger.

"It's not fair! I did everything right. Maybe one or two times he slipped up, but I always corrected it or apologized to the person. Why God did you have to do this to me." Frank sobbed. Now that he got all his anger out he only had sadness. As tears started to build in his eyes, Frank felt helpless. Walking over to the mattress, that was thrown to the ground, he sat on it a started to cry.

Frank was always taught that guys never cry, under any circumstances, Frank should never shed a tear. For the longest time, Frank never shed a tear, but this was just too much to hold inside. Never seeing his family or the love of his life made him want to curl up and die. He cursed God in his mind, but also prayed that God will help his out of this. Once most of his tears were shed there was a knock on the door. Frank sat up quickly rubbing his eyes, so it didn't look like he was crying.

"Who is it?" Frank asked.

"It's Alex. I brought some more food and wanted to check up one you," Alex replied.

"Well I would let you in, but the door is locked from the outside," Frank muttered with his arms crossed.

"That's okay, you see, Gerard doesn't want you to go hungry so I have the key to the door," Alex responded boldly.

When Alex entered he had another person behind him. The other person was taller then Alex had light stubble on his chin. When they both walked in they froze at the sight of the room. They paled at the papers that were ruined.

"When Gerard see this, he is going to flip." The new person said. Frank looked around at the damage and flinched. this was not in his plans of gaining Gerard's trust. Frank knew he would have to put all this stuff back and make it at least look like he regretted what he did.

"I didn't mean to make this big of a mess, I was just so angry that I couldn't think straight and was so mad I needed to vent it out somehow. Would you guys maybe help me clean it up?" Frank asked.

"Yeah it's our job, but why were you so mad?" Alex wondered.

"Well, Gerard and I were on the top deck looking around and letting me stretch my legs when this really tall blond guy came out. I think Gerard called him Bob or something like that, anyways he started telling me how I was just a toy and that as soon as Gerard gets me into his bed, he'll dump me at the next port with nothing. Once the guy finished Gerard just about told him to piss off, the guy went back below deck. After that, it just hit me that I might never see my family again or start a family with my wife, and I got really mad and started to fight with Gerard. He was getting mad, or at least I think, and took me back to this room and left. So this is the end result of that." Frank explained out of breath.

"That bastard Bob, I swear he is always causing trouble," The new guy muttered under his breath. "Well it is true Gerard does sorta has one night stands it is mostly because the people choose that. Gerard tells them about how he is looking for a companion, but the sluts never see past a pirate so they just say that he only wants a free lay. It really hurts him that no one will look past his pirate face because he is really a good guy. I guess he just got done being heartbroken and decided to take actions in his own hand. Those actions are kidnapping you and making you fall in love with him."

"But I don't want this life, no offense to you guys, but this wasn't what I want. I have a soon-to-be-wife at home, who is probably worried sick. I wanted to start a family with her and keep my parents near in case we needed help with the little ones," Frank was frustrated now. "Oh and let's not forget the big picture. I'M NOT INTO GUYS! I'm ok with other people being gay, that's fine, but I'm not."

The two other guys scratched the back of their heads awkwardly. They weren't quite sure what to say to that. The new guy decided to break the silence first by reaching out his hand to Frank.

"Hello, I'm Jack. I help Alex with cleaning around the ship." Jack introduced himself. Frank took his hand and shook it.

"I'm Frank. Wish we could have met on better terms, but it is what it is." Frank joked to Jack. They both awkwardly laughed.

"So, let's begin cleaning this disaster up," Alex spoke up while picking up the thrown book and putting them back on their shelf. Jack nodded while putting the bed back in place, and Frank picked up the crumpled up papers and trying to get them as close to normal as he could.

"I'm going to warn you now that Captian Gerard is not going to be pissed about his art papers," Jack warned Frank about that. "He is huge on art and doesn't like it getting ruined. So when he comes in tomorrow be prepared because there is no way we can help you on that one."

Frank grew scared for the next morning when no doubt Gerard comes back to give him food and see this. He prayed that Gerard will see he felt remorse for what he did and at least go easy on him. He almost begged Jack and Alex to stay here with him, but when they finished and left Frank alone he curled up into a ball and fell asleep haveing nightmares of what Gerard will do to him. 

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