A/N I am so sorry for not updating last Monday. I was out of town at a thing called Joshua Fest and I had no Wifi to update it. I'm back on schedule, though, so I should have no reason to not update and if I will miss a week I'll make sure to tell you in the last chapter. Again so sorry for the late update.
Frank has never felt sicker in his life. The storm has finally passed, yet Gerard hasn't returned. The room was destroyed from the waves. The only thing that stayed still was the furniture that was built down. Frank was a little worse for wear. He got thrown around and things would be thrown at him. For once Frank wasn't cursing Gerard for kidnapping him, but for being such a pack rat. There were so many useless trinkets. Frank was now covered in bruises.
"Frank?" There was a knock on the door.
"Yes?" Frank didn't recognize the voice.
In walked a tall man with a shaggy brown hair. He looked around the room and cringed at the mess.
"I'm going to have to clean this up aren't I?" The man saw Frank looking at him. "Sorry, I'm Alex. I was sent to come check on you."
"Oh, I'm fine. Just thrown around a little bit." Frank replied.
"Well, Gerard said he would be back in a minute. Do you want something to eat or drink?" Alex asked.
"No thank you," Frank replied. "I just want to relax my bruised body."
"Haha, no problem." With that, Alex left.
Frank decided he should help out a little bit and started to pick up the things that fell to the ground. The papers were scattered around the room. Most of the papers where maps, while others looked like they were part of a journal. Frank got really curious and looked at the map.
'Maybe this will help me plan my escape, if I know where we age going then I can plan how to get back home.' Frank thought to himself. Looking at the map he saw where his home was. Once he saw that he looked at the closest land.
'Okay so if we go to London then I will be able to get the chief of police t help me.' Frank did a little victory dance. The chief of police was a family friend, so he will gladly help Frank get home.
"What are you doing, cutie?" Frank froze from his happy dance and turned to see Gerard smiling at him.
"Um well, the storm was over so I, um, tried to help pick up some of the things that fell," Frank explained hoping Gerard wouldn't bring up the dancing.
"Well I didn't see that part, but that dance was cute. You should teach me those moves." Gerard teased while pulling Frank into his chest.
Frank blushed and pulled away. He wasn't comfortable with this affection Gerard showed him. Looking down he wouldn't make contact. Gerard noticed, but let it slide. Wanting to break the silence Gerard decided to see if he wanted to leave the room.
"You know since you picked up all my things I think an award is in order." Frank couldn't help but think how he made it sound like he was rewarding a dog. "I think we can take a small walk around the deck."
That made Frank pick up. He can get some fresh air and stretch his legs. Walking over to the door he went to open it, only for it to be closed by a hand. Following the hand to the arm that's connected to it, then from that to the person he looked up at Gerard. Gerard smiled and shook his head.
"Slow down there cutie, first we have to go over some rules," Gerard explained. Frank knew it wouldn't be that easy. "First of all we are surrounded by water so you can't get off this ship so don't try. Next is I don't want you out of my sight, actually, scratch that, I don't want you to let go of my hand. That should be all of the big ones, I'll tell you more if I see something to correct."
Frank wanted to groan but kept it in. He had to hold Gerard's hand that was not something he wanted to do. Frank wanted to disagree, but wanted to go outside and he felt if he disagreed Gerard wouldn't let him out. Sighing he allowed Gerard to grab his hand before opening the door. They walked out and Frank couldn't hold in the smile that snuck on his face for getting to go outside. Gerard saw that smile and his heart melted.

Frerard Pirate Kidnap
FanfictionFrank is the mayor's son and soon-to-be Jamia's husband when one night in their small town pirates attack. Frank rushes to help his town fight them, but soon finds himself fighting Captain Gerard. Next thing he knows he is kidnapped by said pirate...