First Day

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Emily's POV:
I wake up at 6:30 and get ready for my first day at rosewood. My parents and I moved to Rosewood, Pennsylvania from Texas. My dad was stationed over there and now they want him over here. I hate starting in the middle of the semester. Everyone is definetly going to notice me. I finish getting ready and get in my car and drive to the school. Everyone is staring at me as I get out of the car. And I hear comments like "who is she? She's hot. She's cute." And it's making me feel uncomfortable. I put my head down and start walking...then I bump into someone.

Alison's POV:
I was walking with my 3 best friends. Hanna, Aria, and Spencer. Then as we were walking someone bumped into me. I glared at her. "Hey watch it!" I yelled. Everyone looked over at us. She looked up. "I am so s-sorry." The mystery girl said obviously scared. "Look, I don't care how sorry you are. Watch where you're going loser." I hissed at her. Then my group and I walked away.

Hanna's POV:
"Ali, don't you think you were a little harsh?" I asked her. Then Aria chimed in. "Yea Ali. She was practically shaking. It was an accident. You know that." She said a little annoyed at Alison's behaviour. Ali then stopped walking and turned around to look at us. "I don't care guys. She should've looked up and watched where she was going. Now let's go. We're gonna be late to Mr.Fitz's." Then we all just sighed and walked to Mr.Fitz's acting like it didn't happen.


Alison's POV:
I've been listening to Mr.Fitz for like ever now and it's boring. He's talking about us reading "The Bad Seed" And I could care less. Then he mentioned us getting partners. Great.

Mr.Fitz's POV:
"Okay. Now it's time for partners." My class groaned. "Okay. I get it. It's the first day back. But I'm giving you a month an a half for this project. Hanna and Lucas. Mona and Noel. Spencer and Jenna. Aria and Caleb. And'll be with Emily. Now. Get to work. Thank you."

Emily's POV:
I heard my name. Along with a girl named Alison? I've never heard of her. Hopefully we can be friends. I need some. I see everyone with their partners. And then I see one girl without one..shit. It's her. The girl I bumped into. Oh god. This can't end well. I grabbed my things and walked over to her. I then began talking. "Hi..I'm Emily."

Alison's POV:
"Hi..I'm Emily." Was all I heard. Her voice was soft and also shaky. I looked up. This can't be happening. "What do you want?" I said in an annoyed yet angry tone. I saw her gulp and take a deep breath. "I'm your English partner." She then sat down next to me. I glared at her. "I don't think so. I'm not working with some dyke who can't watch where she's going." Emily looks down. "Look. I don't care what you think of me. Want the truth? I'm a lesbian. Okay? But I'm not going to let your homophobia get in the way of this assignment. And I didn't mean to walk into you. It was an accident. If you haven't noticed. I'm new here. I was walking with my head down because people were saying things making me uncomfortable. I didn't see anything so I kept walking. Then I bumped into you. Now you listen to me you bottle blonde. You are going to suck it up and like it." She then opened her book. Something inside me wanted to applaud her. Nobody has ever talked to me like that. Put me in my place. It was actually kind of hot. WAIT. What? Umm. Okay? I then just stared at Emily. "Emily, you're right. I'm sorry." I looked down. I don't get why I'm so mean. Emily put her book down and looked at me. "It's fine. I guess. Just stop being so hard on everyone. And realise that everyone is different." I smiled. "You're right. So since this is a partner thing. Do you want to come over to my house? My parents are out of town for a few days. So we could get some work done."

Emily's POV:
Alison asked me to come over after school...I don't know what to say. "Umm. Sure." I smile at her. She smiled back. She has a beautiful smile. And her ocean blue eyes are hit by the sun...she looks perfect. Yeah. She was a huge bitch earlier. But she's still beautiful.


A/N: HEY GUYS! First Emison book. Let me know what you think. Either vote for it or comment a thumbs up. I don't know. Thank you for reading.

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