Morning After

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Alison's POV:
I woke up wrapped in someone's arms. I smiled thinking it was Noel. I turned around and my eyes widened. Emily? Why is she...oh. That's right. She's spending the night until her mom gets back home. But why am I wrapped in her arms? Did we...? No...we didn't. We couldn't. I'm still looking at her and she's sleeping peacefully. She looks so cute. What...? Okay. I'll admit we did move our friendship a little too fast. But I'm glad we did. Ive always wanted a real friend. I quickly yet so swiftly got out of her arms and took a shower. I got dressed and saw she was still asleep. I laughed and shook my head. Before I dried my hair I woke her up. I sat on the bed next to her. I put a piece of her hair behind her ear. I smiled. I kissed her cheek. "Em, wake up." I said softly. Still nothing. I then started kissing her cheek all over and got to the corner of her lips. I started to kiss slowly until I got to the center of her lips. I felt her smile. I pulled away. She pulled me back. We kissed for about 10 more seconds. I pulled away. She smiled at me like a little kid in a candy shop. "That amazing way to wake up." I laughed. "Yea well don't get used to it Em." I dried my hair, curled it, then did my makeup. Emily hopped in the shower too. She did the same as I did but didn't do her makeup. She picked out a beautiful pink floral dress from my closet. She looked stunning. My jaw had dropped. She walked up to me after catching me staring at her. "If you don't close your mouth, you're going to catch flies hunny." She started laughing. I punched her arm lightly. "Shut up." I rolled my eyes. We saw the time. We rushed to school in my car we got there just in time. Once we got out everyone was looking at her. In the car Emily and I talked about a way to get back at my so called friends. Emily and I are going to pretend to be gay. I texted Noel and he didn't like the idea. So I ended it with him. He said and I quote "I don't want to be dating a girl who's kissing another girl. I don't want to be the guy who's dating the gay queen bee. You're just too much for me." Oh well. He was a huge jerk anyways. I can do so much better. Emily walked to my door and opened it for me. I smiled. "Thank you. Such a gentleman." She laughed at my sarcasm. I grabbed her hand. I could feel her shaking. "Hey, you can do this. We can do this. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. I promise." She smiled at me warmly. She quick kissed my cheek. I blushed like crazy. We set off to Mr.Fitz's. Everyone was staring and making remarks. One guy called us fags and said we should kill ourselves. I let go of her hand and went up to him. I grabbed his shirt collar. "I'm still the queen around here. You make one more remark like that, you will regret it." I let go and walked away satisfied. That's when everyone stopped. Emily and I sat in Fitz's together. I sat behind her. She was so into whatever he was saying. She had her hair gathered on one side of her neck. I kept looking at the other side of her neck. I really just wanted to kiss her. Wait...what is wrong with me? First last night. Then this. Am I? No. I can't be. Do I like? No. I couldn't. Then I heard Mr.Fitz. "What do you think Ms.Dilaurentis?" He questioned. I zoned back in. "I'm sorry could you repeat that?" I said nervously. "I asked, what did you think of the first chapter of the bad seed?" I swallowed. "Oh right. The first chapter to me seemed...I don't know. I can't explain it. But Unoka...he's lazy and wasteful. His own community considered him nothing but a failure." I went on. Then soon enough the bell rang. He was impressed I actually read the book.

Emily's POV:
I was really shocked Alison actually remembered that. Considering she wasn't at all interested in the book last night. She seemed completely and utterly bored. Hmmm...there's more to her. I'm still a little worried about this whole "pretend to be gay" plan. She's a great person and I want to help her. She seems genuine when she says she doesn't want to be mean. She acts mean in the halls still. But when it's just her and I she's...Angel like. Even around her other three friends who want her to be nice. I think she's going to tell them the truth after she takes care of the fake friends. The bell interrupted my thoughts. Alison was standing next to me waiting for me to speak. "I'm sorry...what?" I asked completely oblivious to anything she said. "I said, are you ready babe?" She winked at me. I blushed a light shade of pink at her calling me babe. "Yea. Let's go." Alison grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. I felt this wave of electricity flow through me. It was like...I don't know. But it felt good. We walked to our other classes. She had calculus and I had AP history. I walked her to her class. We made sure we got there so I could kiss her infront of them. "See you after class babygirl." I leaned and kissed her cheek. Then I pecked her lips and went to class. On my way there I was stopped by someone....

WHO WAS EMILY STOPPED BY? Comment what you think. But thank you guys for reading and voting on my story. If you have any suggestions or ideas of things you want to see please comment or message me. Thank you!💋

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