The Ring

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Emily's POV:
I was laying in my hospital bed holding Taylor. She's so precious. My phone buzzed and I saw it was Ali. "Hey baby. What's up?" I asked. "Hey there beautiful. Would it be alright if I stopped by to see you and Taylor?" I smiled. "Of course. She's your baby too. You have every right to see her." Ali giggled a little and said she would be there in about ten minutes. I was singing to Taylor when she started to cry. She calmed down and I slowly rocked her in my arms. "I know you can't understand me. But I'm your mama. And I love you so much babygirl. Your mommy is on her way to see you. And I promise you, we will love you unconditionally. We will protect you from anything and anyone." I leaned down and kissed her head softly. Her lips formed into a small smile. Just then, my wonderful and beautiful girlfriend walked in smiling. "That was not ten minutes. That was like two." I laughed. She smiled again and sat down next to me. "Can I hold her?" I nodded and gently gave Taylor to her mommy. We aren't allowed to leave just yet. They want me to stay one more night to make sure Taylor and I are okay. Ali is so anxious for us to come home. The girls said they would stop by after school. I'm still doing online schooling until Taylor is able to go to school. I'm only a junior, but I plan on going to college. I was interrupted by Taylor crying a little bit. Ali checked to see if she needed a diaper change, she didn't. We have gave her a pacifier, she spit it out. I took her from Ali's arms and began to breast feed her. She seemed to have been really hungry. It also feels weird...I mean not to sound like a sex addict or weird. But the only thing I've ever felt sucking on my boob was Ali. I laughed at my statement in my head. Ali looked at me. "What's so funny?" She said. I shook my head. "Nothing." She just looked at me and Taylor. It was for awhile too. She she was deep in thought. While still feeding Taylor I leaned into her a little bit and pecked her lips. "Sorry...what?" She said snapping back to reality. "Nothing. But what were you thinking about?" She smiled and titled her head, doing her famous Ali D head tilt and smirk.

Alison's POV:
Emily asked what I was thinking about. How do I tell her that? I'm thinking about my life with her and Taylor. How I want to spend the rest of my life with her. How I want to be able to go out with her and our daughter and be a family. How I'm the luckiest girl in the world, blessed with the most amazing girls in the world. I don't exactly like how we got here with Taylor, but that's all in the past. I love her and Emily more than anything. And I can't wait to make Emily a DiLaurentis or myself a Fields. Considering Taylor's last name is Fields, mine should be as well. God, how do I explain this? Emily waved her hand in my face. "Hello?" I looked at her again. "Yes?" I laughed. "C'mon. Tell me what you were thinking about." I smiled and reached for her cheek and cupped it gently. "All in good time Em...all in good time." She just tilted her head as if asking 'What are you talking about?' I rubbed my thumb over her cheek softly, and I kissed her gently making sure I'm not hurting Taylor below her. Emily kissed back, I was about to deepen the kiss when Taylor started to cry. Emily pulled her gown back up and through a little blanket and started burp her. She's a great mother already. And girlfriend. Whom I'm very thankful for. I told Emily I would be back later tonight. I decided to head to a jewellers. I know Emily showed me a picture of three rings. One ring had the words "I promise." Underneath it. The next said "I will" and the other said "I do". Emily mentioned her wanting something like that, so I figured I'd make it happen for my little princess. Well queen, because my princess is only a day old. I was looking for a perfect promise ring for her...there are so many to pick from. I saw one that caught my eye. It was silver and shaped like a princess tiara. With little diamonds all around it. It was beautiful. It was a couple hundred, but it was worth it. A lady came out and over to me. "Hi. Welcome to Jared's. My name is Maria, how can I help you?" I smiled. "Hi. I'm interested in that one." I said pointing to the silver ring. She took it out and I tried it on. Thank god Emily and I have the same finger size. I smiled. It's a size 5 1/2 and I know if it fits me, it'll fit Emily. "This is perfect. I'll take it." I said all smiley. She put in a box and wrapped it up for me. I thanked her and walked back to my car. I put the bad on the seat and called Emily's doctor. "Hello Dr. It's me Alison, a friend of your patient Emily Fields. I have something special for her and I was wondering if you would let her out and I'm going to drop a park of clothes off. It will only be for an hour." There was a little pause of silence. "Of course. But only an hour. In case the baby needs feeing again." I smiled. "Thank you. I'm dropping her clothes off now." Thank god we keep extra clothes in the car. We decided to do that when Emily and I went out one time and some little boy spilled his drinks on us. I grabbed her clothes and headed to the main desk. I told them the same thing I told Emily's doctor. They asked me to wait and within minutes she was walking out of the elevator smiling. "What are you up to DiLaurentis?" I just smiled and took her hand in mine, as we walked to my car. I drove to her favorite restaurant. Olive Garden. Emily loves Italian food. As we walked to our tables Emily was talking about her first time here. Her dad brought her here when he told her he was going into the army. She was so happy but still didn't quite understand what the dangers were. But Wayne and Emily sure had a great time. The waitress came back with some menus and I already know what I was ordering. Chicken Parmesan. And Emily wanted the angel hair pasta with no meatballs. Along with some breadsticks which she adored. We made little small talk while waiting for our food. We saw the waitress coming with our food and made some room on the table. Emily took a bite and smiled. "Oh my god. This is so good. It's so much better than bitter tasting hospital food." I laughed at her. She's the cutest thing ever. Emily had finished her food before me, she was extremely hungry. Eating hospital food is the worst. A few minutes later I finished mine and our waitress Jessica came back for our plates. I took that time to get up and get down on one knee in front of Emily. "Ali? What are you doing?" She said a little nervous. I pulled the little black box out of my jacket. "Emily Catherine Fields, I know you have been through hell the past year we have been together. And I am so sorry. That I wasn't protecting you like I should've been. I promise, to love you, care for you, protect you, cherish you and our daughter for as long as we both shall live. I promise to never hurt you, and to make you as happy as you make me. I promise one day, you will be my wife. I promise, that I will love you unconditionally forever. Will you accept the promise ring?" I said. Emily was in tears smiling. She pulled my face up to hers and kissed me passionately. People were "awing" at us. When her lips touched mine, I felt the room spin and everyone else went away. It was just me and Emily kissing. No one or anything else. I pulled away smiling. "Is that a yes?" She nodded, "Yes. A million times yes. Absolutely, positively yes." I stood up with her and hugged her tightly. Not wanting to let her go. I started shaking a little. I slipped the ring on her gently looking at her eyes then to the ring over and over. Jessica (the waitress) came back and handed us the bill. She saw the ring and grabbed the bill back and scribbled something out. She looked at Emily and said "I didn't know you were engaged. I was going to have you call me.." She looked down and walked away after apologising to both of us. She seems sweet. Before we left and I paid the bill, I asked a nice gentleman to take our picture. Emily held her hand high and turned to her side. I did too and leaning into her cheek while she was facing the camera with a surprised/shocked face. I pulled back once I heard the click of the camera. "Thank you." I said taking my phone back. He nodded and walked off. I posted it on Instagram. Caption: "I promise to love you forever and ever Emily Catherine Fields."

@aria_montgomery: awwww. #emison.

@spencer_hastings98: aria. You're Emison trash! But congrats you two!!! Awwww!!!!

@hanna_marin1105: awe. My babies. Well 2/3 of them! Can't wait til the baby shower!

I smiled and showed Emily the comments. She smiled. "Oh Hanna." We walked to my car and I drove her back to the hospital while holding her hand.

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