It Is Time

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Emily's POV:
I was laying in bed with Alison and she was talking to the baby. Our baby shower was in a week and I was on my phone ordering some things. Like the cake. And all of a sudden I felt something by my thighs. I laughed. "Baby, I think I peed again." Ali looked at me and laughed. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and groaned. I reached over to her. "Wait...OW! I think...I think my water just broke." Ali then helped me rush to the car, we got in and she drove to the hospital. I kept groaning and moaning in pain. I was squeezing Ali's hand every now and then. She had called a head and made sure someone was waiting for us at the E.R. entrance. Sure enough, there was a nurse with a wheel chair waiting for us. She helped me out of the car and wheeled me to my room, while Ali parked the car.

Alison's POV:
Emily's water had broke and I rushed us to the hospital. They asked me to wait but told Emily's only a centimeter dilated. They asked me to put scrubs on and walked be back with her. I had to wear the scrubs in case I had held the baby and get her sick. I walked back and saw my girlfriend in pain and sweaty. She kept asking for the epidural. But they wouldn't give it to her until she was about to start pushing. I sat by her and held her hand while she was screaming and squeezing my hand hard. "Hey. Baby. Shhh. It's okay. I know you're in pain but you'll be okay. I'm right here." I said softly. Ten minutes later, they gave her the epidural and she calmed down and began pushing our baby. I keep telling her to push and to stop when told to. She was doing great. She pushed out the baby's head and was in pain again. I heard her crying and I started to cry. Our baby is here. "Cmon Em. You're almost done baby. I promise." She yelled. Two more pushes. One more push. "It's a girl!" The doctor said holding her up. I was given the honour of cutting the umbilical cord. But I had Emily do it with me. My poor babygirl was tired and still in pain. They took the baby to clean her up and dress her. They helped clean Emily up and took the scrubs off of me and themselves. While waiting for the baby to come back I sat on the bed with Emily after they changed the sheets and changed her into a different gown. She was still so sweaty and breathless. "You did amazing princess. I'm proud of you. I haven't called anyone but I will after we hold her. Is that okay?" Emily nodded. I leaned down and kissed her head. After just laying there with her for a few minutes, they brought her in to us. The nurse smiling at us, "Okay. Which mommy wants to hold her first?" I looked at Emily and pointed to her. The nurse handed her to Emily and I smiled and took my phone out and took a picture of the baby and Emily. Emily was smiling and the baby was holding on to her finger. This was my life. I have a family. I'm a mommy. WE are mommies to a beautiful babygirl. I sat down next to Emily and pulled her closer to me. Emily looked at me. "Do you want to hold her mommy?" I smiled and nodded quickly. She handed me the baby slowly. "Hi there. I'm your other mommy Alison. You're so beautiful. Just like your mama." I was crying and smiling. I felt a hand go to my back pocket and the warmth from my phone was soon filled with cold air. Emily took a picture of me holding the baby. The nurse came back in and said Emily needed to try and breast feed her. But I asked before age did that, if she would take a picture of us with the baby. She nodded and I handed her my phone. I sat next to Emily while she held the baby. We both smiled and looked at each other and Emily leaned into me. The picture that was taken was one of us smiling and one of us kissing. They were adorable. "Have you decided on a name?" The nurse asked. Emily and I nodded. "Taylor Marie Fields." I said proudly. The nurse wrote it down and left the room leaving us alone again. Emily looked at me while breast feeding Taylor. "Fields?" I nodded. "Yep. I want her to have her mommy's last name." Still confused she raised an eyebrow. "Why?" I giggled at her silliness. I understand she's tired but cmon. "Because I know one day, I'll be Alison Lauren Fields." Emily blushed a deep shade of red. I kissed her forehead and went to call the girls. They all showed up at the same time in Spencer's car. They all held Taylor and cried as well. Especially Aria and Hanna. Emily's mom and dad rushed over too. Everyone was there for us. I pulled Wayne to the side. "Mr.Fields?" He looked at me and smiled. "Please. Call me Wayne. I told you that before Alison. You're already like a daughter to me. What's up honey?" I took a huge deep breath. "I would like to ask your daughter to marry me. And I wanted to know if I could have your blessing. And I promise to never hurt her or leave her. I'm not marrying her because she's a mommy. I'm marrying her because I love her so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with her." I said almost out of breath and shaking. Wayne smiled and pulled me in for a hug and kisses my for head. "Of course you can honey. I couldn't ask for anyone better to love my daughter." I smiled and we walked back in like nothing happened. I watched at my amazing girlfriend and soon to be wife held our daughter smiling like a little kid in a candy shop and everything is free. I have to be dreaming. There no way my life is like this. There's no way I have the most amazing girlfriend and the most beautiful babygirl.

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