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Emily's POV cont..:
On my way back to my class someone stopped me. He was tall and skinny. He hard greenish eyes. He was muscular with dark hair. "You...you must be Emily Fields." He said coldly. "Yeah..that's me. Do I know you?" I questioned tilting my head to the side. He took a step towards me. "No. But you will." He smiled ominously. I'll admit. I started getting scared. He pulled me into the girls locker room. He shut the door and locked it. "W-what are you d-doi-doing?" I said frantically. He didn't answer me. He walked towards me and pinned me against the wall. He started to make out with me and kiss me all over. I yelled at him to stop and get off. But e covered my mouth. I tried to push him off of me and fight my way out. But he was too strong for me. He was starting to hurt me. I was screaming and crying praying someone would try to walk in. No one did. He reached his hand down my leg and reached the bottom of my dress. I knew what was coming. He slid hands up my dress until he got to the hem of my underwear. That's when I started trying even harder to get out of his grip. He then tightened his grip on me. I can't get out. I'm stuck. He reached his hands into them and put a finger in me. He started going in and out. I was crying even harder. Then he added another finger. Then another. He then pulled them out. I had a sigh of relief. I was happy at first. Then he took his free hand and undid his pants. No...please. Not me. Not now. Not ever. I couldn't take this. I tried with Kk of my my might to get out of the hold I was in. I still couldn't. I could barely breathe. He laid me down on the bench and pulled my underwear down. He got on top of me and put his dick inside of me. He started going in and out rather fast. It was painful. After about a minute or two he came inside of me. I had came too but it wasn't a choice. It just happened. He had orgasmed 3 times. And every time it was inside of me. He finished and got off of me and fixed his pants again. He whispered in my ear "If you ever tell anyone about this, I'll make sure you're dead." Then he walked out. I took off my clothes and took a shower in the locker room. I felt so dirty and gross. I cried the entire time. Then the bell rang. I quickly put on the gym clothes in my locker and walked out. Thank god I kept makeup on there in case. I put it on to hide the redness under my eyes. And I walked to my next class. On the way I saw Alison.

Alison's POV:
Class seemed so boring. Well class is boring actually. On the way to French I saw Emily. "Emily! Hey." I said while smiling. She looked up. She smiled and mumbled a hi low enough to where only I could hear her. She didn't seem okay. She canned clothes to. "Hey are you okay?" I asked worriedly. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just tired." She doesn't seem like herself. "Okay. Can I ask why you changed out of the dress? Which you looked hot in." I smirked at her. She smiled a little then stopped. "Some guy spilled his drink on it. It was an accident. He didn't mean it. So i changed." I looked at her knowing she was lying. "Okay." I said. We will definitely talk about this later. "Hey Alison." She said. "Yeah?" I said back. "I'm not feeling so good. I feel like I have a migraine. Can I have the key to your house? I wanna go home and lie down." Okay. Something is really up with her. "Yeah. Sure." I reached into my bag and got the house key out and handed it to her. "Do you need me to drive you? Since you rode with me." Then her eyes widened. "Yeah actually. That would be nice." She smiled a little. We got in my car and I drove her to my house. I followed her inside and helped her lie down. I asked her if she wanted me to stay but she kept telling me she would be fine and I need to go back to school. But I had a better idea. I faked left the house and stayed downstairs and made her lunch. About and hour later I brought it upstairs to her quietly. I opened the door to see a sad Emily bawling her eyes out in my bed. I put the tray down and ran to her. "Emily...what's wrong? Are you okay?" She looked so broken down. She stopped crying. "Alison? What...what are you doing here? You're-you're supposed to be at school." She kept stuttering. "Yea. But you're more important. What's wrong?" I pulled her into me. "Nothing. I'm fine." She said that over and over. "Emily Catherine Fields...what's wrong? Tell me right now." She started crying again. "I c-can-can't. He wil-will k-k-kill m-me." I shot up. "Who?!? Emily. What happened?" I looked at her. "I was..on my way to class. After I..we kissed. Some guy stopped me and dragged me into the girls locker room." She started crying even harder. "Em. Ahhh. It's okay. I got you." I held her tighter. "And he...he locked the door. He pinned me against the wall and made out with me. He stuck his hands in my underwear and then...he-he...he r-rap-raped me." I felt my heart break into a million pieces. I pulled her into me again. I held her and kissed her head while rocking back and forth. "Emily..I am so sorry. Who was he? What did he look like?" Emily described him to me. I only know 1 person who fits that description. I told her I'd be right back. I drove to the school fast. I passed every red light and stop sign. I stormed into the school. Everyone was looking at me. "WHERE IS NOEL!!?" I yelled. I heard him. He walked up to me. "Oh. It's Alison Gaylaurentis." He laughed. I pulled him into the boys bathroom and locked the door. He then smirked at me. "Change your mind? About being gay?" I'm so going to kill him. "No. I didn't. But what I want to know is why you raped Emily." He laughed. "You'd think I'd touch that dyke? Fat chance Alison." He walked out. How am I going to prove this...he can lie all he wants and everyone would believe him. Then. LIGHTBULB! He can't lie on a polygraph. I can call in a favor from Garret. I called him and told him what happened. He immediately got a court order to do so. They brought Noel in immediately and asked him simple questions that would be answered as true. Then they asked him is he raped Emily. He said no. The results would take a while to be calculated. I was with Emily while this was happening. I told her everything. I made sure she ate the lunch I made her.

Emily's POV:
Alison told me everything. I first started crying because of what he might do to me. Then Alison calmed me down. She held me and I fell asleep in her arms. She was rubbing my arm and my back and occasionally kissing my head. She kept telling me I was going to be okay. Sooner or later I woke up she was still holding me. She looked at me and smiled. "Hey there beautiful." She kissed me. I smiled through it. "What was that for?" I asked. Though I didn't mind it. "Can't I call my girlfriend beautiful and kiss her?" She said with a hint of sassiness. I laughed at her silliness. "Of course you can. I didn't mean anything by it. So..you should definitely kiss your girlfriend again." She smirked at me. "Oh should I?" Alison raised her eyebrow. "Oh stop. Just do it. Kiss me already." I smiled. She kept laughing at me. "Alison!!! Stop." She did as I said. She looked into my eyes. Alison slowly leaned down and kissed me. I immediately kissed her back. I pulled her farther down to me. I smiled through it and I can tell she was too. She pulled away for a second. "No. Don't stop." I said. She leaned back down and we kissed again. It was slow and passionate. She cupped my face still kissing me. Her tongue brushed up against my lip asking for entrance. I opened my mouth allowing her tongue to roam it. Our tongues fought for dominance. She won. She laid her hand on my stomach. She raised it and was almost as my boob. I pulled away and grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry Emily. I forgot. We were in the moment and I forgot..." She looked down. "It's okay. Honestly. Just hold me." I kissed her cheek. She smiled and pulled me into her lap. We both drifted off into a deep slumber. We woke up around 5:00 p.m. to her phone ringing. It was the police station. They had the results of the polygraph...

A/N: heh. Another cliffhanger.

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