Back To Reality

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Alison's POV:
It was two days after mine and Emily's.  anniversary. It was amazing. Even though I still have hickeys all over my boobs. But it's okay because I have Em 15 on her neck. She was mad at me for a little but she decided she would just put makeup over it. We still haven't told our parents. They've been super busy and stressed. So we decided we were going to do it today after school. I got undressed and walked to the bathroom. I walked by my full length mirror and looked at myself for a minute. I didn't feel disgusted or happy about what I saw. But I looked at my chest. I smiled and touched it. memories of that night came flooding back to me. I bit my lip and hopped in the shower. I finished getting ready and headed to Emily's to pick her up.

Emily's POV:
My alarm woke me up. Shit! It's 7:30. Ali is gonna be here any minute. Fuck it. I'm wearing no sweats. I put on swear pants and sweatshirt and my uggs. Thank god it's fall. I put my hair in a loose bun and put on my glasses. I look like a fucking nerd. Ali pulled up and honked. "Bye mom." I kissed her cheek and left. I got into Ali's car and closed the door. She was staring at me. "Don't even Ali. I woke up late. I didn't have time to get ready." She giggle. "I know. That why I can see all 15 hickeys." Fuck! I didn't put on makeup over it. It's too late now. I'll just have to wait till I get to school and hide it from people. I blushed. "Hey. You're not the only one Emily. I can't wear a tank top for a few days because you left some on my boobs." I laughed and kissed her cheek. She drove off to school. I wish our weekend didn't end. I wanted more time alone with her. We got out of the car and held hands walking to school. We met up with the girls. "Hey!" They all said in unison. "Hey." We said back. "How was your anniversary?" Aria asked all smiley. "It was great." I said. Hanna butted in. "Oh I bet it was." She smirked at us. "Hanna!!" The rest of the girls said. Em and I laughed. "Em, why are you wearing sweats? I get its fall but it's not that cold." Spencer said. "Because I slept in. I woke up late." Em said. "That's not the only thing that's gonna be late." Hanna said. This time I punched her. "Hey! Ouch!" The rest of us laughed at her. "For one of our periods to be late that would have to be because one of us has a dick. But right now the only dick I see here is you. Let's go Em." I grabbed her hand and walked away. I get its a joke but I think my sex life should be private.

Spencer's POV:
Oooh. Go Alison. But seriously Hanna kind of deserved that. Their sex life is theirs. "Han, are you okay?" I asked. She nodded still embarrassed at what she said. "Hey. It's okay. Just try to cool down on the sex jokes. And when Ali is cooled down apologise. We know you didn't mean it. And she does too. She's just over sensitive right now. It's morning. And a Monday. She's not in the mood." Hanna nodded and agreed. We all headed to class.

Emily's POV:
Ali grabbed my hand and walked away from the rest of the girls. "Hey Ali. Stop. It was just a joke. Why are you so mad?" She stopped and looked at me. "I'm just tired of the sex jokes. Isn't our sex life supposed to be private?" I nodded in agreement. "Yes. But it was just a joke." She sighed. "I know. I'm just..not in the mood right now. I'm sorry. I'll apologise to her at lunch. I promise." I smiled at her and kissed her head. I grabbed her hand and interlocked our fingers as we walked to class. We were sitting in Mr.Fitz's English class and it was so boring. I usually liked English. But that was because I had swim after it. And now that I don't, it's boring. The doctor called me this morning and said he would fax over my files to the school. I was okay to swim again. After therapy and meds and the surgery I had before our anniversary. I'm okay. They just told me to take it easy. The bell rang and Ali walked me to the pool. "I'll see you later mermaid." She pecked my lips. "Until then my love." I smiled at her. She walked away and I just stared at her. I feel like a total guy right now but she looks good from behind. I bit my lip and she turned around catching me staring at her but. I looked at her eyes and she winked at me walking away again. I blushed and went to talk to the coach.

Coach Jennifer's POV: (act like that's her name lol.)
Emily's doctor faxed over her papers. She has a clean bill of health. And that's great. But I'm going to hate to give her the news. She walked in. "Hey coach." She smiled at me. "Hello Emily. I just got the papers from your doctor. And that great you can swim again b-." She interrupted me. "Yes. I'm totally okay to swim. I just have to take it easy. So when can I start??!" I sighed and looked down. "Emily, we can't let you back on the swim team. I'm sorry." She started to tear up. "W-what? Why not?" Ugh I'm gonna hate this. But I have to. "Emily, it's been brought to my attention that you have a relationship with Alison DiLaurnetis. The board of administration feels it's inappropriate to have a gay swim member on the team. It would throw off the competitions." I looked down. She sighed and started crying. Before I could say anything else she stormed out of my office. Ugh. I hate this. She's an amazing swimmer and we need her.

Emily's POV:
Un-fucking-believable. I can't swim because I'm gay? Are you kidding!!! That's bullshit. What am I going to do?!? I ran to the girls bathroom and hid in one of the stalls. I started crying until I heard the door open and I stopped. After a minute I heard them moving around. "H-hello? Is there someone in here?" I heard the door open again. I walked out and locked it. I went to the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were puffy from crying. I turned the water on and splashed some on my face. Next thing I knew there was rag on my face and everything went black...

A/N: okay. So now I'm getting some ideas back. I appreciate you guys voting and reading my story. Thank you so much.

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