Back To School

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Emily's POV:
Since I found out I was pregnant, I haven't been going to school. With all of the morning sickness I didn't think I can handle it. But I've been feeling better the past few days. So I decided it was time. Also thought two months away would help the looks and comments die down. I had a tutor and had my work sent home with Ali. So I'm all caught up and good. I'm still passing all of my classes. Ali and I got ready and she wanted to drive. She's been driving us everywhere. She's worried I might feel uncomfortable while driving and being pregnant. We pulled up and people were already staring. Ali reached over to my hand. "Hey. It's okay. I'm here for you. So are the other girls. We got your back Em. We won't let anything bad happen to you. I won't let anything bad happen to you." I leaned over and kissed her. She kissed back for a few seconds and pulled away. "Cmon. Let's do this." She got out and ran to my door and opened it for me. "After you my love." She said grabbing my hand. "Awh. Thank you my prince." I giggled at her. As we walked to the doors of the school. I heard people whispering and making comments about me. I told Ali I'd be right back as she walked to class. I went to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall crying. It was hard enough looking at my body after him leaving a bite mark on me. It's hard carrying this baby without thinking about it everyday. Yes I'm having the baby. Because everyone deserves a chance at life. And I will love this baby. I already do. But it's still hard. People comments are still hurtful. Someone walks in and I stop. "Em. Are you in here?" It's Ali. "Yea. I'm just using the bathroom." I lied. "Emily. You're standing up. I know you're crying. Why?" She said I began crying again. "Open up." She said. I just stood there. "Just because you don't want me. Doesn't mean I don't want you. I want to help you. Please." I took a deep breath and unlocked it. Letting her in. "What's wrong? What's going on?" I wiped my eyes and sat on the toilet. Ali closed and locked the door standing there waiting for me to talk. "I'm just tired of all of the comments and remarks about me being pregnant with Noel's baby." She sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around me. "Hey. It's okay. And it's not Noel's baby. It's our baby. If anyone asks it's ours. You're carrying my child." Hearing her say that made me realise she meant this. She was serious about it. She wants this. I held her. "Ali, thank you. I love you. You have no idea how much this means to me. How much you mean to me." She smiled and kissed me. I kissed her back. She deepened the kiss but I pulled back. "As much as I love this. I am 30 minutes late for class. And we are kissing on the toilet in the bathroom." I said smiling. She giggled. "Yea. You're right. Let's go." We walked hand in hand to class and before I knew it. It was lunch time.

Hanna's POV:
Emily and Alison were walking to lunch holding hands. I love them together. They're so cute. I've never seen Alison this happy before. I can tell she genuinely loves Emily. They sat down and Spencer warned me about saying the wrong thing to Emily about the baby. Which I totally get. But Spencer said I can ask questions. Just not too many. And to word them right. So I was. "Hey Em. Ali." They smiled. "Hey Han. Aria. Spencer." Alison said. "Emily, I know it's early but thought of any names for the baby?" Ali looked at her raising an eyebrow. "No. That's something I want to do with Ali. It's her baby too. She should get a say in it too." I smiled. "Okay. You guys are honestly so cute!" The other agreed. "Yea. Even aria and Ezra aren't this cute. And they sneak around which probably makes it hot." Aria smiled nervously. What's going on with her? Her and Fitz got back together a few weeks ago but something seems wrong. Anyways. "Well when do you know the gender?" I asked excited. "I think I'm 3-4 more months." She said. "Great! Are you going to want to know the gender or wait until birth?" Emily looked at Ali. "That's something we haven't talked about. Which we should because it's going to come fast." She's right. "I'm so happy for you two. You guys will be amazing mommies. But I get to spoil the baby so much. Along with the rest of us. Right?" The girls and I looked at them with puppy eyes. "Of course. You're their un-biological aunts." Ali said smiling at us. We laughed and enjoyed our lunch.


Alison's POV:
  Emily and I were laying on the bed. Emily had her arm under me playing with my hair while the other hand was gently rubbing my arm. I quick sat up. "What's wrong?" She asked worried. "Nothing. But I think it's time we decided on if we want to know the gender of the baby." She smiled. "Yeah. You're right." Well now thinking. I do want to know. But whatever Emily wants. I'll go with. "I want to know the gender before the birth." She said. I smiled. "I do too. Really." I got up and grabbed a pen and paper. I wrote boy on one side. And on the other girls. "Time to think of boy and girl names for them." We both smiled.

A/N: this is where you guys come in. Comment two name. One boy. And one girl name you'd like. I'll announce the winner next chapter. And I'm not starting the chapter until I get some names because I don't know what names to pick. Thanks guys.

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