Chapter 10

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After a quick and slightly stiff apology to his parents for his behaviour, Carson slowly walked down to the main floor of the hospital with the rest of his group. Theresa helped him check out while Eric and Faith went to bring the car around. Josiah walked with Carson, his arm around the younger boy’s waist every step of the way even though he was doing perfectly fine.

Carson’s parents--mostly his mother--were still worried about leaving their son alone, so instead of just dropping the boys off at the Miriam Hospital and continuing the short drive up to their home in Central Falls, Faith and Eric went with to visit Ayden.

It was a warm and slightly depressing greeting when they met up with Walt and Keri. There were hugs all around and Keri almost started crying when she hugged the boys. Walt just clapped Josiah on the shoulder and gave him a smile that showed how proud he was of Josiah for being so strong on his friends’ behalf.

It was only about noon when the two groups blended, and Ayden’s parents said the blonde was still knocked out from the anaesthesia. Ayden’s nurses were pretty adamant about not wanting so many people in her room even if she was sleeping, so the group of six was banished to the floor’s lounge until further notice.

Carson was visibly irritated about this, but Josiah took the news a little better. He was just as upset, as he was nearly dying with how badly he wanted to see his girlfriend, but he completely understood. If Ayden woke up and she had a large group of people staring at her, she might freak out. So although Josiah didn’t like it, he could deal with it for the time being.

For the better part of an hour they all played catch up with each other while they let the television play on in the background. Deciding he should probably call his parents, Josiah stood up from his seat and stretched out his back.

Carson looked up at the black-haired boy with a question written all over his face. Josiah gave him a smile and put a hand on his friend’s shoulder.

“I’m just gonna go call my mom real quick,” the older boy explained. “I haven’t told my parents anything yet.”

Carson widened his blue eyes. “I thought you did!”

Josiah shook his head. “Nah, I didn’t wanna worry them. I’ll be right back, okay?”

Carson nodded and settled back in his chair. Josiah smiled at the four adults as he walked passed them. They were talking about medical insurance or something, so he didn’t bother interrupting them.

Josiah pulled his phone out of his pocket as he strolled lazily down the hallway. He didn’t want to go too far as he wasn’t familiar with the layout of the hospital. After Josiah dialed his mother’s work number, he listened to it ring a few times before she answered.

“Providence county courthouse, this is Lanai.”

“Mom,” Josiah said. “Hey.”

“Josiah?” Lanai said, surprised. “Is everything okay?”

Josiah plucked at a few of his curls as he slowly zig-zagged down a hall. “Uhm, yeah. I’m doing alright, but--”

“I saw on the news the other day that there were a few accidents at your school. I was a little worried, but thank God you weren’t involved.”

Josiah cringed at the relief he heard in his mother’s voice. He hated that in about two seconds he was going to crush all that. “Mom,” he said quietly. “I was kind of involved.”

Josiah held his breath but he didn’t have to wait long before Lanai exploded.

“You what? Why wasn’t I informed? You were the boy that was attacked?” Lanai practically screamed down the phone. “How have I not been told sooner? The system these days!”

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