Chapter 28

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“So what have the doctors said?” Josiah asked, sitting next to Ayden on her bed.

Carson watched his friends hold hands from the chair next to the window. He was almost teetering on the edge of his seat waiting to find out about Ayden’s condition. She looked fine, and she sounded pretty much fine, but that didn’t always mean she actually was. He had been in the room when she went from being seemingly perfect to having a seizure. It was just another one of those things that had happened this year that he wouldn’t be able to forget no matter how hard he tried.

Ayden smiled a little and looked into her boyfriend’s familiar soft green eyes. She had always been crazy about them. The way the colour was such a strange combination to the man’s light brown skin made them seem to glow was one of her favourite sights.

Sinking back into the white pillows underneath her head, Ayden looked up to the ceiling and said, “All the tests they’ve run have apparently come back relatively positive. I’ve completely healed from the hip surgery and my broken arm. In a way, I’m kind of glad I was out of it.” She paused to smirk a little at both of her friends. “At least I didn’t have to walk around in a sling or on crutches.”

“You can walk, though, right?” Carson blurted out. Ayden looked at him with narrowed eyes, unsure of where that had come from. “Because I heard that sometimes when people get out of comas they have to relearn how to walk or talk and basic stuff like that.”

“He’s been on the internet a lot,” Josiah supplied, rolling his eyes fondly at the younger man.

Ayden only smiled and shook her head. “I shouldn’t be surprised. Yeah, Car, I can walk. It takes a little help, though, because I’ve been laying down for a long time. And clearly I can talk.”

She laughed, and Carson had to smile at the musical sound. That was another of the things he had missed so much about the blonde. She was so much fun to be around. Ayden had been one of the only few people to really get him, and they had always been able to get into mischief and have a bunch of laughs together.

Josiah grinned down at the girl, his eyes dancing. “I’m glad your sarcasm is just the same as always.”

Ayden grinned right back and leaned up to kiss her boyfriend on the cheek. They shared a tender smile and she fell right back down into the pillows. “I don’t see why I would wanna leave it behind. It’s a part of who I am, you know!” She laughed before continuing. “But anyway, yeah...I’m actually doing really well, which is surprising to a lot of people around here. Doctors told me that like less than half of the people wake up, and even way less than that make full recoveries. So it’s rare for me to be this okay.”

“Do you feel sick or anything like that?”

Ayden shook her head. “Not really. I mean, I’m still really tired a lot. And I feel weak. Even going to the bathroom feels like I’m climbing a mountain. But this is, what, my fifth day awake? I still sleep for ages. I think my mom said I slept this last time for fourteen hours.”

Carson smirked. “Damn, girl. Wish I could get that kind of beauty rest.”

Ayden and Josiah both laughed softly while the brunet grinned cheekily at his friends. They were all silently glad that the air around them wasn’t uncomfortable or strained. It somehow felt like old times, before anything bad had ever happened to the three of them.

“Well it better be worth it,” Ayden commented. “I’m bored in here when I am awake. I wish they’d have let you two come see me earlier.”

“It’s okay,” Josiah said. “You needed time to rest up.”

Ayden rolled her eyes. “Resting is all I’ve been doing for three months.” Her green eyes widened as she remembered something. She glanced back and forth between her friends. “Wow, though. Can you believe it was three months? When I first heard that, I almost laughed. I’d thought they’d lost their minds, you know? It felt like no time at all to me.”

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