Chapter 14

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It was five o’clock in the evening when Lanai returned to the hospital to pick up the boys. They were nearly as reluctant to go as some of the nurses seemed glad to get them out of their way.

Carson was a bundle of tension as they drove the fifteen minutes to Central Falls. He stayed mostly quiet, watching the surroundings pass by through the car window. The radio was on at a moderate volume, and Josiah sat in the back seat keeping an eye on his friend the entire time in case he needed some kind of comfort for any reason.

Josiah was actually quite relieved when they made it back to his childhood home of a roomy, three-story, burgundy-sided house down the street a couple blocks from a Dunkin’ Donuts without anything bad happening.

As they got parked in the driveway, Carson felt a little less paranoid now that they were in his hometown. And he’d been to Josiah’s house plenty of times before. He trusted the black-haired boy’s parents and even liked their old German Shepherd, Milfred.

Lanai got out of the car first and went to unlock the door on the side of the house. Josiah turned to look at his friend with inspecting eyes. He thought Carson looked okay, but he knew that he was probably freaking out at least a little on the inside.

Josiah offered a smile and then they grabbed their bags of things their parents had brought for them while they were in the hospital before they climbed out of the vehicle. Josiah was quick to get to Carson’s side of the car and lead him into the house while the younger boy hesitated a little, looking around to survey the empty street before ultimately following the taller boy.

Josiah walked up the steps and could already hear the barking from his six year old dog coming from inside the house. The frizzy-haired boy turned the handle of the door and pushed it open. Then he stepped aside and ushered his friend in with a smile that was feebly returned. Josiah tried not to dwell too much on it, and followed Carson in, shutting the door behind him.

Milfred came barreling down the hall and immediately went for Carson, his tail wagging in pure excitement. Carson finally grinned as he leaned down to pet the dog and scratch him behind his ears. Milfred licked at the boy’s hand before jumping up onto his hind legs to put his front paws on Carson’s chest, nearly knocking the brunet over in the process.

Worried about Carson smacking his head off the wall or something, Josiah hastily stepped up and put half of his body between his friend and the wall behind him. Josiah scowled at his dog and scolded, “Millie! Get down.”

Despite all this, Carson laughed. He laughed so boisterously and genuinely that Josiah was almost stunned. It had been so long since he had heard that noise. He hadn’t ever realized how much he missed it or just how gorgeous and heartwarming it was to the ears before he had gone over a week without hearing it.

“It’s fine, Joe,” Carson said in between happy chuckles as he continued to pet the tall dog who was nearly face-to-face with him now.

Milfred tried to lap at the boy’s face, and having nowhere to escape to, Carson barely managed to turn his head and then the slobbery tongue collided with his cheek and corner of his mouth. At this, Carson finally made a sound of disgust, although he still had a bit of a smile on his face. The brunet pushed the dog’s paws aside and the animal dropped down to all fours on the floor once more.

Ew, Millie!” Carson whined at the dog.

Milfred simply wagged his tail before running for the kitchen where they could hear Lanai getting things ready to cook. Carson scowled and wiped his face. When he turned to look at Josiah, the older boy was smirking.

“Your fault for letting him stay up there,” Josiah teased.

“Har, har,” Carson said sarcastically, making a face at the other boy.

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