Chapter 27

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It only took a few moments before Josiah was ripped out of his shocked haze. The realization that Carson was rolling off of him and vomiting was enough to make him come to his senses.

Josiah brought his phone back to his ear and he could hear Walt asking if he was still there. Completely distracted, the young man muttered how great the news was and that they would visit right away. As soon as Walt got the message, Josiah ended the call and tossed his phone away so he could focus on his distraught boyfriend.

Carson was on his hands and knees on the carpet next to the couch, hovering over his pile of sick. His head was spinning with thoughts that were hitting him so hard he felt dizzy enough to pass out.

Josiah placed a firm hand on Carson's shoulder and another on his back that he moved in a circular motion. He hoped it was making the brunet feel better, but he honestly had no clue.

"Car?" Josiah asked quietly. The other boy stayed silent save for his ragged breathing. "Are you gonna be okay?"

"Yeah," the younger boy said in a hoarse voice, not really sure if he believed it.

Josiah licked his lips nervously and nodded. "Okay, let's get you up, yeah?"

Carson obliged and allowed his boyfriend to help him off of the floor. They made their way to the bathroom where Josiah flipped the light on. The brunet sat down heavily on top of the lidded toilet while Josiah turned the shower taps on, making sure they were set to a decent temperature.

"I'm sorry," Carson muttered. He pulled his shirt over his head, feeling embarrassed and guilty about his reaction.

"Don't worry about it," Josiah said with a smile. "Just get yourself cleaned up, okay? I'll take care of the living room. Walt's expecting us at Miriam tonight..."

Carson nodded absently, standing up to push his already undone jeans off of his hips.

"Is that okay? Are you okay, man?"

Carson wiped a hand over his face and nodded again. "Yeah, we need to go see her. I just...fuck, I really wasn't expecting that. I need to see her and talk to her. I've missed her so much, I cant believe she's awake."

Josiah smiled and went to the doorway. "I almost can't believe it either. It's like a crazy dream or a miracle or something." He shook his head. "Anyway, you shower and I'll go clean up."

"Joe," Carson called right before the darker boy disappeared.

"Yeah? What's up?"

Carson smiled warmly. "Thanks. And I love you."

The older boy's stomach fluttered. "I love you too," he said quickly before retreating from the bathroom.

Even though it was almost midnight once the boys were finally ready to leave their apartment, they still decided to make the hour long drive up to the hospital. They were both more than excited to see their blonde friend. After more than three months of watching her lay nearly lifeless in a hospital bed it almost seemed too good to be true that she was supposedly awake now. They both needed to see her so badly for their own reasons.

With overnight bags slung over their shoulders, the two young men almost sprinted into the hospital they had become so accustomed to. Walt was waiting for them in the lobby and the three if them were close to tears as they took turns sharing hugs.

"So how's Ayd?" Josiah asked, getting straight to the point.

"Yeah," Carson said, buzzing with anticipation. "When can we see her?"

The joy on Walt's aged and tired face was enough to break Carson's heart all over again. It was sad to think that he was only this delighted because he had to go through hell to experience that kind of emotion.

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