Part 2. - "Until Monday"

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"Look for something positive in each day, even though some days you may have to look a little harder"

*Sean's PoV*

It's so bright. It was like staring into the sun after being in total darkness your whole life. When I managed to adjust to the light I saw my Dad sitting over me on the side of the bed. He looked at me, smiled and hugged me. "It'll be ok, you will be fine" he told me reassuringly. "What happened?" I asked. I put my hand up to my eye because I felt a sharp stinging pain. There was a bandage covering it. Then I remembered what happened after school. How I had been kicked in the face and passed out. "One of your school friends brought you here" the doctor said from behind my Dad. "He told us what happened" the doctor continued.
"Who?" I asked not bothering to hide the confusion on my face. Who would bother to bring me here? "He didn't leave a name, he waited for a little while but left in a hurry." The doctor explained.
I looked at the time on my watch, it was 7am on Saturday. I had been here all night. No wonder they had to leave. I wish I could have known who it was though.

*Marks PoV*

I should have stayed longer, I shouldn't have left. I should've been there when he woke up.
I lay in my bed thinking about the events of yesterday. My Mum had her friends, she would've been fine without me. I hope his parents knew where he was. I hope they went to be with him. If I had just answered my phone and told her I was with a friend at hospital she would've understood.
I sat and thought until I couldn't take it anymore. I jumped out of bed, got dressed and drove to the hospital. I had to make sure he was ok.
When I got to the hospital I ran to the room I had waited at last night and the curtains were open. There was no one there. "He must've already left" I mumbled to myself. I slowly walked back into the car and drove home. He is fine now. Everything is fine. I told myself. I'll see him on Monday and I'll talk to him.

*Sean's PoV*

As I got in the car to leave the hospital my eye was stinging like mad. "Dad, when can I take this off?" I asked.
"Sean, you are going to need to keep it on for a while, until your eye has healed then you are going to need a patch"
"The doctor said you are not going to be able to use that eye any more" he explained. "Tell me who did it and I will beat them up!" He said angrily, he hit the steering wheel and the car swirved.
"Dad, calm down. It was an accident"
"I can't believe someone would do this to you"
We didn't talk for the rest of the car journey back home, we sat in silence. I was wondering who would take the time to take me to the hospital and the wait there. As far as I know, no one even knows I exist.
I'll have to wait until Monday to find out.

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