Part 9. - "Potential Friendship"

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"Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on"

*Sean's PoV*

We walked back to the classroom in silence. There was so much I wanted to say. I want to say that I finally have someone to share all my problems with. Someone who would listen when I needed someone to talk to, and someone who would talk when I felt lonely. But this is real life, real life doesn't work like that. He has other friends. He can't spend all his time on me. His has his own life, his own problems. I would just bring him down.
When we were almost back to the classroom, Mark broke the silence. "Hey um, you're not in my next class, do you want to meet somewhere after?" He asked.
"Okay" I said. He stopped walking, instinctively, so did I.
"I'll meet you between the two trees just across from the football pitch" he turned and looked at me, waiting, hopefully for the answer.
"Okay" I looked back at him. He smiled. I had never seen him smile like this before. He was showing no teeth but I wasn't focusing on his mouth. It was his eyes. The way his eyes smiled, he made me feel like it was only me. As if no one else existed and it was just me and him and- no this isn't the way I should be thinking. He is a friend, my only friend, in fact, I can't mess up my only friendship with thoughts like these. 1, I'm not gay. And 2, he has a girlfriend. He would be a friend, if that. Nothing more. I painfully smiled back, although I don't think it showed because he turn back to face forwards and continued walking.
The walk back seemed take much longer than the way there and when we got to class, Mark knocked on the door and opened it. At that moment, the bell went, signifying the end of the lesson. The teacher dismissed us all and we were on our way to the next lessons.

*Marks PoV*

His smile didn't seem sincere. When he smiled before, the eye that I could see, showed the appreciation that he couldn't show otherwise. This time it seemed like he was just smiling because he felt like he had to. I wanted to say so much more to him but I felt it would be best to just continue walking in silence. When we got to the classroom, the bell went and we were off our separate ways. "I'll see you later" I told Sean as we separated. He made me feel different than anyone had ever made me feel. Like he actually cared and liked me for me, he didn't just want to get popular, like everyone else.
I have always been known as 'that popular guy' and because of that I don't have many real friends who would still be here in ten years. I know I have just met Sean, but he makes me feel special. I can't screw this potential friendship up. I can't.

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