Chapter 10

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Whith her leather armor fasten tight, Kyra secured her weapons before tying her Knight Captain sash around her waste. Grabing her helment she headed out so that her father could finish taking down their tent.

With their tent now packed in a small pouch on Adrianus waste, she and her father headed over to the others. There, Lord Virote pulled his officers to the side.

"As you all can see, there aren't very many of us left. There is only close to four hundred of us. However, we are the stronger force. One of us equels to two to three of their men so you put that many to our men and we have a good size army. There is a good chance we will beat King Raymus...."

"King Raymus!" His major blurted, "King Raymus is the most powerful person in this Region. He has a huge army behind him as well as strong allies. We don't have a chance against him."

That didn't set well with Lord Virote, "Do not doubt what your men can do. They were trained to fight since they were childern."

Lowering his head, "I'm sorry my Lord, I didn't mean any disrespect. You're right. We are a stronger unit." he hit his chest.

Nodding, Lord Virote went on, "We need to take out as many men as we can. King Eunice will be sending more warriors. Unfurtiontly, I have no idea when so we need to put a huge hole in King Raymus's army."

Once he was done, Lord Virote when back over to his men, "Today is the day we have been waiting for!"

The men roared with excitment.

"You have trained your whole life for this day!" he went on, "You are the stronger, faster, more skilled unit ever to take the battle field! You are the true warriors that sends fear to the people, no other dare to match you!"

The men roared with glory, but Kyra and Adrianus knew all to well there would be no glory for them.

"Our King had decared war on the 5th Realm" Lord Virote went on, "I'm not going to lie to you! This will be the toughest Kingdom in this Realm to take down, but we have the advantage though! Once we take over this Kingdon! The others will trimble with fear when we show up at their Kingdom!"

Roaring louder, Lord Virote pulled his sword. Raising it above his head, "For our King!!" He shouted as he turned and led the way down the path.

Making their way up and around the mountain, they followed it down the other side. Entering the villey below they came to a brief stop. To their surprised, waiting for them was King Raymus's men along with his allies. The shear size was intemidating.

Kyra knew they wouldn't have a chance against the two thousand awaiting me. Looking over at her father, she could see he knew it too.

Raising his sword again, Lord Virote shouted, "Attack!"

War cries echoed off the mountains as her Bombers started throwing the first attack.

Magic fire balls explosions could be heard all around as the smell of burnt flesh quickly started to fill the air. Cries of death replaced the cries of battle.

With both swords in her hands, Kyra stayed close to her father. They were fighting at least three men at once. WIth her power of sight, she helped Adrianus more as it was difficult for him to fight more then she. Her power to slow the attack down help out a lot as well.

These men were jsut as strong, fast and skilled as she was, if not more. She found herself blocking more than striking.

She was taking men out but not as fast. It seemed like with each kill she made, two more took their place. Even with her powers, she was still managing to get heavy cuts and stabs.

As the battle went on without no end, Kyra felt herself getting weaker. Fighting off more men then an average warrior could, it was getting harder to hold back her magic. So she had to give in just a bit to it to keep both of them alive.

Taking it's toll, "I'm sorry father." Kyra cried as she set her magic free.

Feeling new strenght sweep over her, Kyra noticed her sences and powers were all sharper. Using her magic for the first time felt strange but she was will to learn quick or die trying.

With her magic at full force, Kyra's own sword started to glow a light silverish blue.

Sparks flow from her sword with each hit or block. With more men surrounding her, Kyra sent her magic down her sword. Slashing it through the air, it sent a silver blue blade sharp magic beam tours the enemy, cutting through their bodies halfway.

The combenation of her powers and magic, Kyra took control of her figthing. She felt that she could take out more but she focused on the fight in front of her as well as keeping as many off her father as she could.

She didn't know how many she was fighting at once or how many she was killing. Then panic and fear hit her when she heard her father scream. The same scream she has been hearing from both sides.

Turing around, she saw her father fall to his knees. Several men held their swords in his body as he fell.

"NO!!" Kyra screamed as she sent a thin beam of magic from her body out. She manage to avoid her father as the man around them fell.

"Father!" Kyra cried as she knelt beside him. Tears fell from her eyes. The site of several swords in his body was painful. It would be difficult but she needs to take them out so that his body could heal

"I love you my daughter but you need to save yourself." he forced out as she helped him lay down.

As she built her magic up, she threaded around the swords. She was going to pull them all out at once bue something caught the corner of her eye. More warriors were making their way tours them.

Kyra was tired of this war. She didnt' even want to be in one even though she was trained all her life for it. She knew she could end this, she could feel it but there was something telling her to held back.

Rage raideated off her as she slowly got up. She may not take out everyone but she will protect her and her father.

Grapping her sword, she was ready for them. Magic flickered from te tip of her sword as sher eyes glowed even brighter. She never felt so powerful.

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