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Thomas: [is in the shower scene from TST]



Brent led me down countless corridors that I knew I couldn't possibly remember. The turns were almost dizzying from how frequent they were. But the worst part wasn't the fear of where I'd be going or being separated from my friends- it was the stifling awkwardness between us that made me want to scream.

He walked quickly in such a way that gave me a hard time keeping up with his pace. His jaw was locked, no emotion on his face. The Launcher in his arms still held a silent threat that set me on edge.

"I know you," I finally decided to say through a heavy exhale. "Sonya broke your ankle."

"That kid didn't break it," Brent corrected matter-of-factly, "she fractured it."

He still had that same attitude as before, then. I rolled my eyes and wondered why he wasn't surprised that I remembered him. Was it his ego or had he been informed of my memories resurfacing?

"You and your brother- you're prodigies around here," he continued. I turned my head to look at him as we walked, but he kept staring straight ahead. "You're all my team's been talkin' about since God-knows-when. 'The star kid' and 'the freaky memory girl' was all anyone ever heard about."

"Freaky memory girl," I muttered distastefully. "What a great name to be known by."

If Brent heard me, he ignored what I said. "I didn't believe it. Thought nobody could resist the Swipe. But now I know- you're somethin' we ain't ever seen before." He paused. "It's probably because I trained you."

I scoffed. "Yeah, totally."

The rest of the walk was filled with silence again. After about ten minutes, Brent used a key card to unlock a door. He pushed it open to reveal a relatively small room with two sets of bunk beds and a kitchenette with a table and chairs in the far corner.

"Rest up, kid," Brent commanded as he urged me into the room. "Big day tomorrow."

As soon as I was inside, he closed the door and I heard it lock with a firm click. I slowly made my way toward one of the bunk beds. Climbing up to the top, I crossed my legs and waited. It was so silent that there was a faint ringing in my ears.

I didn't last more than a minute up there. The fidgeting became too much for me to bear, so I jumped down the metal ladder and made my way toward the kitchenette. There was nothing in the fridge, but a little water dispenser was connected to the outside of the door. Nothing useful was in the drawers. I sifted through every cabinet until I finally located where the silverware was. It was in the last drawer, and to my ironic delight, I found a knife.

With my hand slightly shaking, I gripped onto the handle of it and slowly slid the drawer shut. A trembling breath. "I am not afraid."

My fingers clenched more tightly around it. Then, I backed up against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the tile floor.

"It's okay," I whispered to myself. "Someone will be here soon."

But I didn't know that for sure. The walls started tilting in on me, appearing to constrict until I was stuffed in a tiny box. I shut my eyes tightly and gripped onto the knife. The images of Thomas' hand kept popping behind closed eyelids no matter how hard I tried to shove them away.

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