You Are Perfect Part 1

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Kanae x Shy!Fem!Reader Fluff

*So first I just want to say if you have not read past at least chapter 52 of Tokyo Ghoul:re you should not read this because it contains spoilers at the end.*

Also, I am not fluent in French or German so I apologize in advance if I messed something up.
Mon amie - My friend
Bien - Good
À plus tard - See you later
C'est trop mignon - This is so cute
Je suis positif - I am positive

Words in italics are reader's thoughts. This is obviously out of character.

But that does not mean it is not enjoyable! I had such a fun time writing this! Kanae is my precious baby!! No warnings really except for a cuss word or two. Enjoy!!


These orchids won't do.. you thought to yourself.

The flowers had to be perfect. Kanae only deserved perfection. While Kanae lived to serve Master Shuu, you lived to adore Kanae.

You were a ghoul that frequently attended parties at the Tsukiyama estate. Shuu was a close friend of yours. Yet, every time he invited you over you couldn't help but get overly excited to see a certain German, lilac-haired servant.

This day was no different. Shuu called you a few minutes earlier to inform you about another party his father was hosting. "It would be wonderful if you could join us, mon amie." Without a hint of hesitation in your voice, you agreed. "Of course Shuu!"

All he did was chuckle loudly for a few seconds.
He knew you liked Kanae.

It was.. kind of.. really obvious. The way you stared at him every time you got the chance to, warmly smiling at him each time he looked your way, trying to conceal the blush on your face when he came close to rearrange a flower vase, collect dishes or some other menial task.

"I am afraid to tell you this Y/N.. But Kanae will not be there this evening.." He said sadly.

"Are you serious?!" Your eyes widened, gripping the phone in your hand.

"I was just tricking you mon amie!! I know your secret now!" He laughed.

You just froze for a few seconds there in the flower shop. Face beet red, you yelled at Tsukiyama. "W-what the hell are you talking about jerk?! I don't have any secrets!"

"Do not fret, mon amie. I am sure Kanae will feel the same way about you."

"Pfft.. I highly doubt that.." You sighed.

"Talk to him." Shuu replied simply. "Okay fine.. I will tonight.." You said, utterly flustered.

"Bien! À plus tard!"

And with that you hung up and sighed. Would he really like you? At least give it a try. You thought to yourself.

The flower shop was small and practically empty so no one was around to witness your little meltdown.

Now.. just which flowers will do?!

You looked to your left to see a vase filled with fresh cut red roses. They look perfect. All giddy, you hobbled over and picked up the vase before walking to the florist to pay for it.

As you exited the shop you smiled to yourself. These are perfect. You kept repeating in your head.


You were super anxious as your car approached the huge mansion. Get a grip! You thought to yourself. Everything will be fine!

As you got out you were greeted by Tsukiyama. "Y/N! I am so glad you could make it!" He grinned and held out a hand for you to grab.

"Hold on Tsukiyama! I need to get something out of my car." You said before getting the wrapped up flowers from the passenger seat.

"Oh? What have we here? I did not ask you to bring anything Y/N." Tsukiyama raised an eyebrow.

"No but I brought these flowers for well uh.... you know..." You glanced to the side as you turned to him, face completely flushed.

"Aw Y/N! C'est trop mignon!"

"S-shut up..."

"He will love them."

"A-are you sure?"

"Je suis positif!"

Tsukiyama surely knew Kanae better than you did so his words made you feel a bit more relieved.

With more confidence now, you smiled and grabbed Tsukiyama's hand as he led you inside. "You look beautiful, Y/N. No need to worry."

As you entered the mansion you couldn't help but take in a satisfying, deep breath. Every time. Every single time you came here you were always taken aback by the ambience of the mansion. The decorations, the well-prepared meals, Tsukiyama's dad, the servants... It was all incredible.

They were all incredible.

"Father! Y/N has arrived!" Tsukiyama sang out joyfully. You couldn't help but giggle a little bit.

"Welcome Y/N! Dinner will be out shortly! Take your time to enjoy some refreshments and music for the time being." Mirumo said kindly at the top of the stairs, some guests gathered in a cluster around him.

"Thank you so much Mr. Tsukiyama!" You grinned up at him.

"Y/N.. go on. Go find Kanae. I think he is playing the violin for the other guests in our drawing room." Tsukiyama whispered in your ear.

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