Stress Relief Part 1

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Ui x Fem!Reader Lemon

Requested a looooong time ago by

Y/N - Your name
L/N - Your last name

This one-shot contains violence, strong language and of course, sex.

As usual, reader's thoughts are in italics.

Out of character again, psh do I even need to say anything?

I'm back and I love you all! Anyway... enjoy some Ui smut! ;)


"Squad S1! Break into 3 teams and head to each ward as reinforcements! Follow the commands of the deputy squad leader on-site!" Ui commands in a stern voice.

"Understood!" His squad members, including yourself, acknowledge him.

Ui pauses briefly and glances over his left shoulder, eyes locking onto yours. "First Class
L/N. You will be on my team. Hurry now."

"Yes, Special Class Koori!" You reply, starting to speed walk behind him, a quinque case in your right hand.

The communications center in the main CCG building was blowing up with a new emergency alert after the other.

Where the hell did all these damn clowns come from?

You worked your ass off to get to where you are now. 21 years old and already a First Class ghoul investigator. Just recently, you joined Ui's squad after the Rushima Landing Operation.

Ever since the massive failure, you could see the CCG going to absolute shit. You didn't know much about Koori, other than the fact that he is a brilliant investigator. After the operation, however, you could just tell something was eating away at him.

He is horribly depressed.

You choke back a sob while walking behind him.  No time to get emotional now, Y/N. You clear your mind as Ui pushes open the door and proceeds down the hallway, you following suit.

"We are heading to the 19th ward first, then the 22nd. I trust you are more than prepared for this, correct First Class L/N?"
Ui's voice is monotone, yet authoritative.

"Yes sir."


~19th Ward~

Hurrying to get out of Ui's squad vehicle, you reach down below your feet to grab your quinque case. To your horror, it's not there. You look to the seat on your right and see a case.

Is this mine? I hope so...

"Hurry up L/N! What is taking so long?!" Ui shouts from outside. "My apologies squad leader Koori! It seems I misplaced my quinque case for a second, but I found it."

You hop out of the car, taking in your surroundings. There are hundreds of clowns and there is no time to waste. You drop your case to release your quinque, grabbing the handle.

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