Arrest Me Part 2

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Lemons, lemons we all love lemons~


His mouth met one peaked nipple. Then the other. By the time he was finished, both of your breasts were splattered with his tiny love bites.

"Ahh.." You gasped as he trailed his tongue down to your belly button. "Shh." He groaned when his mouth met the top of your jean skirt. He unzipped it and slid it down your legs, adding onto the pile forming on the floor.

He gave you a brief peck before settling his lustful eyes on your dampened panties. With no warning at all, he slipped two digits into them, fingers pinching the bundle of nerves he found.

One digit plunged into your core and you cried out. His mouth attacked your hip bone once he found a steady rhythm inside of you. One, two, three.. He stretched your walls with haste, he was growing more impatient by the second.

"Damn.." He grit his teeth once he heard your pleas of release. "Urie.." You softly cried, the flesh beneath the metal already starting to sting.

Knowing you were almost at your limit, he tore your panties off and let his hardened member spring free. "Is this what you want?" He hissed into your ear as he slid his length between your lips.

"Yes." You faintly whispered, already exhausted by his teasing.
"Yes what?" He spat, desperation dripping off of his body onto yours.

"Please Kuki.. I need it." You whined, small tears welling in your eyes.

"Who do you belong to?"



"I belong to Kuki Urie! Take me now!" You practically screamed at the top of your lungs. He seemed pleased with this.

"Don't you forget it." Kuki growled, thrusting himself full force into you. "Shit..." You both groaned, his hands squeezing your hips. You were sure there were going to be deep bruises there too. But you didn't mind. Not in the slightest.

"You. Belong. To. Me." He stated in drawn out yet bold thrusts. "No. One. Else. (Shit.. She feels so good.)" He snarled, breathing heavily into your neck.

"I... belong.. only to you Kuki." You panted, feeling your walls envelop him.
"Fuck.." He bit into your neck once more, one hand finding your clit again.

His ministrations were incessant and in tune with each hard thrust. His stamina was difficult to surpass, this you knew all too well.

"Kuki.. I'm gonna.." You whimpered pathetically as his rhythm continued with the same speed and intensity. "Go ahead." He moaned, lips finding your spotless shoulder blade.

With a few more twists to your sensitive nub, you came. Your walls undulated against him. "Shit Y/N.." He panted, and after a few more unyielding thrusts he quickly pulled himself out and released onto your stomach.

He collapsed on top of you, trying to catch his breath. The air was sticky and hazy as you brought yourself back from your euphoric high.

Amid the rapid pants between the two of you, that question returned to your mind. Why was he angry?  After gaining your normal breathing back, you asked him.

"Urie.. You seemed angry earlier.. Why is that?" You pressed, pure curiosity filling you.

A minute passed and you felt his body tense up. He sat up on the edge of the bed, looking down at his feet.

You sat up too, eyes studying him. "Well.." He began.
"Hm?" You raised a brow, completely ignoring the burning sensation starting to bud at your wrists.

"I don't like you talking to other guys Y/N. (Not at all.)" He said truthfully. "What?" You didn't know what he was talking about.

"Shirazu and Haise.. I don't like the way they look at you when you're talking to them." Kuki met your gaze now, you knew he was being dead serious.

"Urie, they're my friends. There's nothing to worry about. Everyone knows I belong to you." You replied smoothly, resting your head against his upper arm.

"I wasn't worried. (Okay maybe a little.)" Urie uttered, his fingers finding yours.

"Okay good. Now can you uncuff me?" You groaned. It was really starting to hurt now.

"Y-yes.. (Shit almost forgot.)" Urie replied coolly, quickly uncuffing you. He set the cuffs on the bed, kissing your reddened wrists.

"Was that what you wanted to show me?" You mused, nudging him.
"That was part of it.." He playfully nudged you back.

"What was the other part?"

He stood up and walked over to the easel near his wardrobe. He took the canvas off and walked over to you.
Once you saw the painting you were overcome with elation.

It was an oil painting of a vase containing your favorite flowers. "I painted it with you on my mind." Kuki nearly blushed revealing this to you. To get a guy like him to blush.. You were proud of yourself.

"I love it!" You sang with delight, jumping up to grab it from him.

"I'm so glad you do." Kuki said softly. He went behind you to wrap his arms around your waist and set his chin atop your shoulder.

"You know what?" You chirped, feeling rather motivated.
"What?" He asked.
"I wanna go another round. But I'm in charge this time."

"Huh?" He was in total confusion. You made your way back to the easel and put the painting back in place.

"You heard me." You said smoothly, pushing him back down on the bed. You crawled on top and took him by the wrists. "It's my turn."


It's true, Kuki Urie loved being in control at all times. But you dominating him was a breath of fresh air. You both took turns for another five rounds. (Yes, five.)

Thankfully, no one returned to the Chateau that night. At least not until 4 am.

Yonebayashi would not leave the arcade area in the bar. She convinced Haise and everyone else to go after the movie. Shirazu kept beating her high score and she was not having it. Mutsuki just stood and watched, chuckling awkwardly. It took all of Sasaki's strength to pry her off of the buttons.

"B-but Maman-"

"It's 4 am! The bar is closing Saiko!"

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