Baby Girl Part 1

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Re!Juuzou x Fem!Reader Lemon

Requested by ivebeenenough

This one-shot contains some foodplay, bloodplay, violence, S&M, and slight dub!con. If you are not into any of the topics listed do not read this. Seriously, do not read it.

Reader's thoughts are in italics. Obvious out of character is obvious.


You're standing at the kitchen sink, washing a few dishes when a sudden realization dawns on you. You've been dating Suzuya for over a year now. The two of you met at the zoo.


You were at the giraffe exhibit, staring up at the tall creatures. You laughed every single time they stuck out their big, purple tongues.

"Um excuse me miss! I'm trying to draw a giraffe but you're making it difficult!" A goofy voice shouted at you from behind.

"Huh?" You furrowed a brow before turning to see who the voice belonged to. The person was a pale, young man with black hair and a questionable fashion sense, sitting on the grass with a huge sketchpad in his lap.

"But.. The giraffes are gigantic! Surely I'm not taking up a whole lot of space.." You huffed crossing your arms, kind of offended.

"Oh you're not! It's just hard to draw when I'm being distracted by a cute girl standing right in front of me!" He smiled at you.

Not expecting that answer your face turned a bright crimson. "Oh really.." You shyly muttered, looking down. "Yeah! Come here and check this out!"

Intrigued, you walked over to the man and looked down at his sketchpad. The drawing was of colorful giraffes and abstract shapes surrounding them.
"Wow that looks cool! I like it!" You beamed at him.

"Thanks! I've been practicing. Whenever I'm feeling inspired, I come to this zoo and sit here for hours. Just drawing in this same, exact spot."

"Wow! Well the practice really paid off!" You mused, taking a seat next to him.

"Right? Look here. These are all the drawings I've done for the past few years!" He said, flipping through the pages. You definitely saw the improvements made.

"So what's your name? I'm Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you!" You grinned, holding out your hand to him. "Juuzou Suzuya is the name!" He returned the smile before happily shaking your hand.

"You know.. I was just about to go get ice cream.. Wanna come with me?" Juuzou asked, closing up his sketchpad.

"Sure! I was getting kinda bored anyway!" You giggled as he stood up. "Come on then Y/N-chan!" He chuckled, helping you up. It was already like you had known him for years.

While you both walked you couldn't help but admire his look. "I like your outfit!" You smiled at him. "Oh thanks! I like yours too!" Suzuya laughed, nudging your shoulder a bit. You nudged him back, blushing madly.

~End of flashback~

While reminiscing back to that time, you don't hear it when the front door opens.

"Y/N-chan I'm home!!" A familiar voice soothes your ears. "Juuzou! Welcome home! I'm in the kitchen!" You sing happily.

As you finish up the last bowl you feel warm arms wrap around your waist. "I've missed you so much Y/N-chan." Suzuya hums, resting his face into the crook of your neck.

You can't help but smile. "I've missed you too. How was your day?" You ask, putting the now clean bowl aside. "It was long and boring without you.. Let's do something fun!" He squeezes you before pulling away.

You turn to look at him. "Like what? Go to the zoo? Park? A café?" You question. "Well no.. Not this time. I've been thinking.. We've been dating for over a year now.. and we still haven't.. You know.." Suzuya fidgets with his stitched fingers, looking down at his feet.

"What Juuzou? What's wrong?" You ask in a worried tone, this uncertain demeanor totally unlike him.
"No, nothing's wrong.. I just want.. to be more intimate with you.." Suzuya meets your gaze, a small smile playing on his pale lips.

"Intimate? Like sex?" You ask, not able to hide the pink dusting your cheeks. "Yeah.. Stuff like that!" Suzuya giggles, grabbing your hands in his. "Wai- Stuff like that?!" You repeat loudly, totally freaked out by his wording. He just laughs before dragging you into your bedroom.

He quickly picks you up and throws you onto the queen-sized bed. He smirks at you before locking the door. What's gotten into him?...

"Y/N-chan.. Please do not think negatively of me. I just can't hold it in anymore.." He says dangerously low. His voice is full of something completely foreign.

"Juu-zou?" You're in complete shock as he crawls right above you. "Y/N-chan.. What's this?" Suzuya asks, swiftly pulling something shiny out of his pants pocket. It takes you a minute to focus on the object but when you do your eyes widen in fear.

"Th-that's one of your knives you u-use when you fight against g-ghouls.." You stammer, staring at it gleaming in the light. "You're correct! Now.. Can you tell me what my favorite color is?"

"I-it's red.." You swallow hard, not knowing where this is going. "Very good Y/N-chan. You know.. I've always fantasized about what you'd look like... Covered in my favorite color."

You're at a loss for words. This is it.. He's going to kill me.. You squeeze your eyes shut, tears forming in the corners. "Oh come on Y/N-chan. Don't be such a scaredy-cat!" Suzuya laughs menacingly, slowly pulling your tank top up, exposing your stomach.

"Su-zuya you're scari- AHHH!!" You screech out at the agonizing pain stinging your abdomen. You look down in horror to see that Juuzou has created a gash in the shape of a heart on the left side of your navel. The blood starts to trickle down your body, some pooling in your bellybutton.

Suzuya's mouth forms into a wide, insane grin at the sight, obviously impressed with his work. "Isn't it beautiful Y/N-chan?" You quickly avert your eyes, feeling super nauseous. "The answer is yes. Yes it is."

Suzuya gets off of you, making his way to the dresser. He opens it and pulls out an old pair of suspenders. "Juu-z-ou..." You whimper. "Do I need to put something in your mouth as well to shut you up Y/N-chan?" Suzuya looks at you coldly.

"N-no." You softly murmur. "Good." He comes over and wraps the suspenders around your wrists a couple of times before binding it to the headboard of the bed. He crawls back on top of you, whipping his knife back out. "No Ju-" You're cut off by Suzuya plunging the handle of the knife into your mouth. You bite down on the handle, terrified of choking on it.

"Y/N-chan... I thought you said you don't need something to shut you up.. Clearly you were lying. Don't be so stupid." Suzuya hisses in distaste. "Good thing I have more where that came from.." Suzuya giggles, plucking another knife from the inside of his shirt this time.

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