Come Now Pet Part 1

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Furuta x Lovestruck!Fem!Reader Lemon

This one-shot contains strong language, S&M mentioning, slight dub!con, and a little bit of violence. So if you no likey, please no readey.

Out of character, come on you must know me by now. ;-)
Reader's thoughts are in italics. Remember this is a non kink-shaming zone!

Yes, I am #Takizawatrash but I am also #Nimuratrash. ❤️

With that being said, let us nimudash right into the story!~


Nimura Furuta Nimura Furuta Nimura Furuta
That's the man I love!
Nimura Furuta Nimura Furuta Nimura Furuta
Can't get him out of my head!

You are in your cluttered office, spinning around in your swivel chair chanting this over and over again in your head when someone opens the door.

"Rank 2 L/N? What on Earth are you doing?"

A voice rings through your ears and jolts you out of your daydreaming. You stop spinning and turn in it's direction.

"Oh hi Akira!! What's up?!" You sing out joyfully.

"Y/N.. You missed the mandatory meeting.." Akira says in disappointment, arms folded across her chest.

"Oh really? I thought that was tomorrow! Oh well." You laugh.

"Y/N. If you keep up this careless behavior you'll be fired in no time. Don't you understand that?"

You just nod your head and sigh. "Yes Akira, I understand."

"What has gotten into you lately? Your head is always high in the clouds whenever a superior approaches you. What is up?" Akira asks, walking closer to where you're sitting.


"Y/N what's this?" Akira presses, picking up an open notebook on your desk.

"Wh-what do you mean? It's my notebook I write about my new ghoul encounters in!" You exclaim.

"Really? Then tell me why is Rank 1 Nimura's name and hearts suffocating the page?" Akira furrows an eyebrow, inspecting it closely.

"Wai-what?? Gimme that!" You shout before quickly snatching the notebook right out of her hands, your face burning hot.

"Ah. I see what's going on now. Tell you what missy. If you don't shape up, I'm going to tell your crush you like him!" Akira teases you.

"You wouldn't dare!!" You stare at her with a terrified look on your face.

"Oh but I would. And I will. Just be responsible and do your job." She scolds you.

"Fine... Geesh.. I'll do my job.. But you better not tell anyone. Not. A. Single. Soul. Got it Akira?" You huff.

"Hey, I am your superior. You're not allowed to speak to me in that tone. That's it. I'm finding him right now and telling him." Akira snaps before taking big strides to the door.

"No! Akira please don't! I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" You plea.

Akira stops in her tracks and sighs. "Okay, I won't. But I'm just saying if you keep on acting as air-headed as you are now people are going to catch on fast. Including him."

"Okay.. I'll try to be more professional."

"Don't try. Just be."


"No buts!" And with that Akira exits the room. Leaving you there, sitting, with confusion in your brain.
Ughh! Why can't I just like a guy?! You whine aloud as soon as the door shuts.

You turn away from the door and face your computer. Turning on the monitor, you check the time. Geez! Already this late? Damn the days really do go by fast.. You muse before getting off of your chair to collect your things so you can go home.

As you walk out your office door and lock it someone approaches you from behind.

You turn around and upon seeing him you're disgusted. Matsuri.. Ewww.

"Rank 2 L/N. You did not attend the mandatory meeting earlier. Any reasons as to why?" Matsuri asks, face completely expressionless. Such an ugly, boring, old man...

"Special Class Washuu. Good evening," You bow, "I thought the meeting was tomorrow. I apologize for my incompetence. It will not happen again."

"Of course it will not happen again. I know this since you value your job dearly right L/N? Just do what you are told and there will be no problems. I cannot stand having a clueless toddler running around the ghoul-infested city let alone the CCG hallways all day long."

Clueless? Toddler?! I just turned 19! Fucking dick weed..

"I understand Special Class. You have my word."

"Good." He says before turning away to walk down the corridor to your left.

What complete trash... you scowl at him, arms crossed.

"Y/N-chan! What's wrong??" A cheerful presence graces you.

"Oh Suzuya-senpai! I'm so glad you're here!" You cry out happily, hugging him.

"What happened Y/N-chan?"

"Matsur- I mean Special Class Washuu just came over here to reprimand me for not attending the meeting today.." You pull away, biting your lip.

"Oh don't let him get to you Y/N-chan! You hardly missed anything in that meeting anyway. Just new approaches for our future exterminations. I wouldn't worry about it! Okay?" Suzuya smiles brightly at you.


"Hey wanna come with me to get cake at this new bakery I found recently? It's super good!" Suzuya asks, his pupils wide with enthusiasm.

"Hell yeah I do! I love cake! You know this! But wait.. Where's Hanbee?" You ask, raising a brow.

"Oh I told him to head back home without me. I told him I was going to hang out with you!" Suzuya cheers, linking an arm with yours.

You giggle at his overwhelming adorableness. You just can't say no to him. There's no way.

As you both walk out of the entrance doors to the CCG you spot him. Furuta Nimura. Standing by his car.
"Oh my- ahhh!!" You squeal, playfully smacking Suzuya's arm.

"Huh? What's wrong Y/N-chan?" Suzuya stops and looks at you.

Leaning over, you whisper in Suzuya's ear. "Juuzou! That's the guy I really like!!"

"Oh yeah? Why don't you go over and talk to him then?" Suzuya suggests quietly.

"He's going home right now. I'll talk to him tomorrow." You softly announce.

"Oh okay. Let's go faster so we can make it before the bakery closes!~"

"Alrighty!!" You giggle before you and Suzuya race like dorks into the bakery's direction.

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