Arrest Me Part 1

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Jealous!Urie Kuki x Fem!Reader Lemon

This was requested by a user that has since deleted their account. I decided to write this anyway because my other Kuki one-shot did so well. (':

This one-shot contains a dom/sub sexual relationship and strong language.

Y/N - Your name

Urie's thoughts are in (parentheses). Reader's are in italics.

I hope you all love it.


"Urie, what's wrong?" You asked your boyfriend of ten months.

"Nothing. Just a lot on my mind recently." Kuki shot you a half-smile, his fingers gently inching over yours.

You weren't entirely satisfied with that answer, but you gave into his touch all the same. You both continued watching the news. Everyone else was gone. Out to dinner and a movie, so the Chateau was quiet with just the two of you.

You sat there for awhile, fingers intertwined, yet the air was still very rigid. Your eyes left the television screen to look back at him. It seemed like the perfect moment because his dark violet orbs were already on you.

"Actually, I have something to show you in my room." He piped up, getting off the couch. "Oh?" You looked up at him as he extended his hand out to you.

"Come on. (I can't wait any longer..)" Urie said as he led you towards his door.

As you both got closer, his grip on your hand tightened. Something was definitely bugging him.

When you both entered, he quickly shut the door and turned to you. There was a certain gleam in his eyes you've never seen before. "Urie?"

"I can't take it any longer Y/N." He shouted, picking you up and throwing you onto his bed. You had an idea of where this was going.. But the question remained.. Why is he angry?  You couldn't quite figure it out.

"What can't you take?" You thought aloud.
"Be quiet." Urie said almost instantly, he made his way to the nightstand and pulled open a drawer.

You bit your lip, just what in God's name is going on?
He reached for something in the back of the drawer and you heard a faint metal clink against the wood.

He pulled out a pair of handcuffs and you couldn't believe your eyes. Sure, you both were intimate in that way but he never went to this extreme before.

In the back of your mind you were waiting for this to happen. "W-where did you get those?" You faltered, staring up at him.

"Doesn't matter. (Didn't I tell you to be quiet?)" Urie muttered under his breath. Before you knew it he was on top of you, locking your wrists into the handcuffs. You just went along with it, mesmerized by his dominance over you.

"Don't try to get out of them, or you'll be punished Y/N." Urie said looking straight into your eyes, his lips a mere millimeter away from yours.

You opened your mouth to respond, only for him to smash his lips against yours. One of his hands holding your wrists firmly above your head while the other nestled in the space between your breasts.

He caught your bottom lip between his teeth and gave it a tug, slipping his tongue in to find yours.

His lips moved in time with yours as he started to unbutton your blouse. You already craved the feeling of his hair between your fingertips. Damn him...

Your legs began to twitch until he caught on and placed a knee in between them. He broke the fervent kiss to drag his lips across your cheek, "Getting restless already.." He chuckled, grazing his lips down your jawline.

He left love bites in his wake, all the way down your neck and atop your chest. The color could rival the sheen of his hair. "You're a beautiful canvas, Y/N." Urie hummed, eyes fixated on his work.

"Mmm.." You moaned, feeling a familiar wetness pool between your thighs. As if something clicked in his brain, he undid the last button of your blouse and unhooked your bra with ease.

He pulled away both articles of clothing and flung them into a random corner of his room.
Never losing eye contact, he yanked off his shirt and removed his pants. He was clad only in his boxers now and you relished the view. Eyes glossed over, you licked your lips. "Urie, you're a work of art yourself."

Kuki let out a soft breathy laugh and smirked at those words. He bent down and caressed your ear with his lips. "I'll show you a work of art." Shivers ran down your spine in that moment, his long fingers traced down your figure resting on your hips.

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