Where It All Started

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Kuroko's POV:

" I'm Akashi Seijurou." He introduced himself, to the class.

I stared at him. He, who had crimson hair. His red twinkling eyes, was as if he could see through your soul.

I stared at him astonished. I asked myself, how could a person have perfect features.

Without me realizing that I was staring at him for some time. I only realized, when he was staring back.

I averted my eyes as fast as I could. And at the side of my eyes, I saw him smile to me.

I blushed, with embarrassment, and at the same time, my heart raised. I knew he would not notice me since I lack presence.

I blushed, even more, when the person with a crimson hair was my seatmate.

I laughed inside my head thinking well this might be the start of something........

~Hi minna (everyone). Well, this is my first Akakuro Fanfic. Hope you guys like it. This serves as my prologue. Don't forget to vote and follow me. Feel free to comment your opinions too. Thanks, minna. ENJOY!!! LeviHeichou04 at your service. (Akakuro & Ereri Fan)

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