Ever after...?

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Kuroko's POV:

It has been almost two years since Sei-kun and I have been dating. We have some small fights but at the end of the day, we would still go back to each other's arms. This year is our last year as middle school students and we're turning to high school students.

Our basketball team is still the top amongst all other middle school basketball teams. We constantly win the championship. But this year, Aomine kun changed. Before he was so close to me and all, we had teamwork. But now... he's been distancing himself from me and the others. He barely goes to practice and his heart for playing basketball has died. He no longer is enthusiastic in playing, he's no longer the Aomine kun I know. I tried asking him but he'd brush me off. Until he said those words that horrified me of who he was now.

"Look Tetsu I don't even remember how to receive your passes anymore! No one really sees my love for the game. They see a monster. And because of that the only one who could beat me, is me."

I tried to process all he said but I was left dumbfounded, that he just suddenly changed because he was improving too fast, he threw our friendship away our teamwork because of that. I was hurt with what he said, but it does seem to be true. The previous games we had, whenever Aomine-kun has the ball the opposing team would not even bother to defend, they just let him shoot the ball. I was hurt for not just what he said but how our opponents treat Aomine kun for his talent.

I told Sei kun about this. He tried talking to Aomine kun to at least attend practice, but he still did not. I could see the hard times Sei kun faces, after all, he is our team captain. Sometimes he'd just hug me from behind and nuzzle in the crook of my neck. I knew he was tired and at the same time disappointed himself as a captain. 

"My Tetsuya, it's hard being a captain." Sei kun said while we were having ice cream after practice. I look at him and I could see the weariness in his eyes. As soon as I finished my cone I cupped his cheeks and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "I'm here for you Sei kun. I'll support you no matter what. You're the best captain our team could ever have."

He looked at me then smiled softly. "Shūzō Nijimura Senpai is better than me. He knows how to handle a team and all. I even wonder why he thinks I'm capable of leading." I hugged Sei kun and kissed his cheek. "Stop doubting yourself. You're a great leader and so is Nijimura senpai. You both are. Don't doubt your leadership skills. You can do this ok Sei kun Faito!!! Ganbare!!! I'll cheer for you." I kissed him softly and hugged him again. "Thanks my Tetsuya. Come now I'll walk you home." We held hands on my way home. How could my life be without Sei kun?

The following day was like any other day, Sei kun waiting for me by the gates. "Good morning my Tetsuya." He placed a soft kiss on my forehead before intertwining our hands together. "Good morning Sei kun." I blushed lightly. Though it's been almost two years I still blush at Sei kun's romantic gestures. We were classmates since our first years up until now. Just like our first weeks of dating, he'd leave a small writing on the board like I love you or just a simple heart then before he'd sit he would wink at me, and I still blush at his actions.

As class ended we were fixing our this and were about to go to our basketball practice. "Mmm... Tetsuya since its a weekend tomorrow let me stay at your place. Hmmm... what do you think?" Akashi asked while back hugging me. He rests his chin on my shoulder still hugging me. "Well, of course, you can stay over Sei kun." I turned around to hug him back. "When have I ever say no to you staying?" He smiled and gave me a soft peck on the lips.

We were on our way to the gym when we noticed Aomine kun leaving. "Daiki where are you going?" Sei kun asked sternly. "Home." Aomine kun replied blankly. "We still have practice and since you're here why not stay for a bit." Sei kun politely offered him. "Tsk... would you just leave me alone. We still win even if I don't practice, so why bother?!" I noticed Sei kun held my hand tighter as if controlling his temper. "But practice is practice Daiki. At least practice even once a week. We only have a few weeks before the semifinals starts." Sei kun's tone was getting darker and sterner every second. "Sei kun let's not force Aomine kun if he doesn't want to." I said noticing the rising tension between them. When Aomine kun walked away annoyed he bumped Sei kun's shoulder causing Sei kun to snap but before things could get worse Kise kun came in between the two. As I held Sei kun trying to calm him and Momoi san apologizing for Aomine kun's actions.

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