The Battle Begins

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Kuroko's POV:

"Why is your arm wrapped around me?" I asked Kise kun. "I'm just so happy Kurokocchi." He replied with a big smile. "Get on the bus. The team is waiting for us." I told him. As we reached Teiko, Sei kun, and the others were already waiting for us. While going down the bus Kise kun unexpectedly hugged me from behind. "Thanks for this game today Kurokocchi." He still hugged me even though we were in front of others. I sighed and shrugged him off but he hugged me tighter. It pissed me off a bit but suddenly someone grabbed me.

"Get off him." This voice... it's Sei kun's. Sei kun held me close to him. "Can't you see Tetsuya doesn't want you hugging him." He said sternly and coldly. "Akashicchi well... I just like Kurokocchi... so who are you to say I can't do that?" Everyone else were already frightened at how Sei kun looked. It was as if Sei kun could kill Kise kun anytime and the same goes with Kiss kun. "You should follow your captain's orders right?" Sei kun was walking towards Kise kun. "Tsk... Fine whatever you say..." Kise kun backed off before Sei kun could be right in front of him. " Both took deep breathes before glaring at each other again.

When Sei kun was instructing the others on cleaning the gym, the second string Kise kun and I were in the locker. "Let's go help them clean." When one of the second strings stood up and led everyone out. I didn't notice that it was Kise kun and I all alone in the locker. I simply heard the door lock. When I went to check why it was locked Kise kun was already walking towards me. "Umm...K-kise kun?!"

'SLAM' Kise kun slammed his hands in one of the lockers and pinned me to it. "Kurokocchi...whose Akashicchi to you?" He asked his voice was cold. "S-sei kun is...special to me." I said I didn't want to tell others aside from my friends about Sei kun and I because of what their reactions towards Sei kun would be. "Ahh...just something special? Good..." Kise kun smirked and looked different from what he looked the whole day. H-he looked like he would devour me!!

"K-kise kun please stop this." He still smirked then I felt his arm wrap my waist and slowly lift my shirt. I shrugged his arm off but he tightened his grip on me. Then suddenly our lips crashed. He licked my bottom lip but I closed it shut. Kise kun's lips were still with mine I couldn't breathe anymore so I tried pushing him away with all my might. "Tsk... Stop resisting." "Please stop Kise kun!" He approached me again but instead of kissing my lips he started kissing my neck. "K-kise kun...stop...aah..." I tried pushing him away but its as if my energy was suddenly drained.


Akashi's POV:

"Everyone get in. We should all start cleaning." I was still pissed with what Ryouta did to Tetsuya. He kept on hugging Tetsuya even if Tetsuya didn't like it. He was too clingy. And he had the courage to ask,

"Akashicchi well... I just like Kurokocchi... so who are you to say I can't do that?"

Doesn't he have respect or something?! Unbelievable. "Aka chin...Are you still pissed?" "Obviously." I frowned then shook my head to set aside my personal thoughts. "Alright everyone, please clean the court thoroughly. And let's congratulate the second strings, Ryouta and Tetsuya for winning." Everyone clapped their hands and cheered. "Akashi the locker room is locked." Shintaro said alarmingly. I quickly went to the locker room with Shintaro behind me. I opened the locker room with its key. "Please stop Kise kun!" That's Tetsuya's... " K-kise kun...stop...aah..." When I went in I saw Ryouta kissing Tetsuya's neck and it made me furious. Ryouta was pinning Tetsuya to the wall and did things against Tetsuya's will.


When Ryouta turned to see Shintaro and I, I suddenly pulled his collar and pinned him to the wall. "You don't have to explain Ryouta." I then punched him, again and again. "Sei kun stop!" "Akashi!" I didn't mind Shintaro nor Tetsuya. Until someone carried me away from Ryouta. (A/N: lol Akashi is a baby hehehe.) "I'm not yet done with him." I saw Ryouta glaring at me, and it made me rage in anger even more. "Sei kun... Calm down. It's ok." I became calm when Tetsuya hugged me and patted my back.

Kise's POV:

"Kise are you ok?" Aominecchi asked. "Tsk... Leave me alone." I was pissed at everything all I wanted was Kurokocchi. But Akashicchi was preventing that. If Akashicchi is that special to Kurokocchi then I won't back down. If this were a battle I would be happy to take the challenge.

~Heya minna! Ok, so here ya all go. Let the battle begin! Lol so... Please enjoy this chapter. I'll try updating soon. Love you all. Akakuro rules, of course, *smirks*. So I'm breaking Kise's heart next chap I guess. Lolol Please support and enjoy reading. LeviHeichou04 at your service.~

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