He Saved Me.

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Kuroko's POV:       

I was surprised, that Akashi and I have the same club. He approached me and said, "Tetsuya, I hope you and I could be in the first five for the team. Let's work hard." I nodded in reply.

(Club Session)

During our club session, there were certain groups of who will be the first five for the team and those who will just be benched and the rest can quit the team.

After tryouts, those who passed were Aomine kun, Murasakibara kun, Midorima kun, and Akashi kun, without any effort. I was left behind with the least excelling members of the club.   

Days passed and I saw Akashi kun sometimes looking at me sad and disappointed. I was ashamed that I don't look at him.

Then suddenly..."Tetsuya... Ummm..." He said shyly but in a superior way. "Don't try so hard on perfecting the basic skills in basketball. Why don't you try a different perspective? Try to focus on perfecting one thing in basketball that others can't. Make use of your lack of presence." He said as if ordering me to do it. "I can't wait for you to be one of the regulars." He whispered. I blushed and just nodded in reply.

I did not even realize that he was observing... No, he was watching me all this time. I always asked the coach if I could stay behind to practice more. I always thought someone was watching me every time I was practicing. But when I look back there was no one.

"Tetsuya...hey...can...you..hear....me? Hey... Tetsuya!!" "Oh, sorry Akashi-kun. Yeah, I understood everything you just said. I'll keep that in mind."

Akashi's POV:

I was giving Tetsuya some advice, but then he spaced out. "Tetsuya...hey...can...you..hear....me? Hey... Tetsuya!!"  I tried calling his attention, " Oh, sorry Akashi-kun. Yeah, I understood everything you just said. I'll keep that in mind." He replied afterwards.


Our club session ended... But while walking along with all my comrades who just like me could be in the first five, I heard the screeching of shoes at court #2. I told the boys to go ahead of me, and that I forgot to get something. I peeked inside the court and saw Tetsuya practicing. I smiled that he tried his best to keep up with everyone. Weeks pass and I always do the same thing every time he practices.


"Tetsuya..." I called out "Let's go home together. The others are waiting." "Hm OK Akashi-kun"

I waited for Tetsuya outside the court with all the others. "Ummm... Akashi-kun... Let's get going." He said while closing the court's door. I started walking and he was behind me. I called out, "Tetsuya, come here. Do you know the club's new manager?" "Not yet." He replied. "Satsuki..." "HHHAAAAAIIII!!!!" She replied energetically. "Tetsuya, this is Momoi Satsuki. The basketball club's new manager." Tetsuya bowed to greet her. "Pleasure to meet you."

Kuroko's POV:

Akashi-kun introduced me to this pinked haired, and energetic girl. "Tetsuya, this is Momoi Satsuki. The basketball club's new manager." I bowed to greet her. "Pleasure to meet you." She said.

I then took a book from my pocket and started to read. I was following everyone to the convenience store nearby. The light was green for us to cross the road. I was still in the middle of the road when suddenly a bike dashed towards me. I was shocked that I froze in the middle of the road. But someone grabbed my hand and I fell down on top of whoever pulled me. When I looked at who pulled I saw it was Akashi-kun.

"What the hell Tetsuya! Look at where you're going! What if something happened to you!" He exclaimed.

I blushed and averted my eyes. I rested my head on his chest. He was still holding my hand, and his arm was around my waist. He still hasn't let go, and I blushed even more. My face got hotter and I think redder, my heart was throbbing so fast it's like it was about to explode. Akashi-kun can probably feel it or even hear my heartbeat.

Murasakibara's POV:

We all looked back at why Aka-chin was all rowdy and shouting at Kuro-chin. I saw Aka-chin and Kuro-chin on the ground with Aka-chin's arm around Kuro-chin. I walk towards them and asked what's wrong. "Tetsuya was about to be bumped by a bike. Tsk! Next time watch where you're going." Aka-chin explained with still in the same position. "Hey Aka-chin, is your position with Kuro-chin comfortable?" I asked. "Heh?! Oh." He reacted while his face was red. We all giggled, with both of their reaction.

~Hey minna! So here's the Chapter 3 for my book. Hope you guys like it. Feel free to comment for any suggestions about my book. Vote and follow me! LeviHeichou04 at your service. ~

~Sorry minna the book I published before was incomplete. So here it is the complete version. Sorry again. LeviHeichou04 at your service. 😝

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