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Kuroko's POV:

The game progressed and Sei kun was tired already. Every time he'd try to shoot Murasakibara kun would effortlessly block.  He also did his best to not make him shoot and luckily he was able to block it, barely. "Tsk, you're lucky Aka chin I'm going easy on you." I was so worried and others as well. "I-I can't believe that this game is one-sided and Mukkun is just playing around..." Momoi san said worriedly. I was really worried at Sei kun's condition, he was too exhausted already and it seemed to be a sure win for Murasakibara kun.

"You think you can defy me Atsushi? You think it's nice to play around?!" I noticed the sudden change of atmosphere from Sei kun. It was as if he wasn't the Sei kun we all knew. "I'll show you that no one, not even my parents can ever defy me, for I am absolute." I was terrified about what has become of Sei kun. I had a feeling that 'he' was the other personality of Sei kun I met at the hospital years back. When Murasakibara kun was about to shoot he easily stole the ball. We all were shocked at the sudden turn of events. "I told you no one can defy me." As he dribbled the ball ready to shoot he said words too authoritative. "Kneel and stay down." As those words escaped his lips everything was too fast for anyone to process. Murasakibara kun was on the floor and Sei kun already shot the ball.

We were agape from what we just witnessed. "Well, I'm done for today. Sachin, I'll come back practice tomorrow." Murasakibara kun stated as he headed towards the lockers. "Wait, Atsushi." He turned. "You don't need to attend practice." "Huh?" He asked annoyed. "Not just you Atsushi. Shintaro, and you as well Ryouta. Go ahead and skip practice, as long as we win." Sei kun stated blankly. "But-" Kise kun and Midorima kun was hesitant of the idea but Sei kun cut them short. "Don't you want to?"

"That would destroy the team play. Are you trying to destroy it?!" Momoi san asked shocked. "Team play?! Generation of Miracles doesn't need team play. That is just a hindrance towards victory. Let them play the way they want to, as long as we win." He told us blankly. "B-but Sei kun..." I was pained and scared at the same time. I looked at him with disbelief, witnessing something that I feared the most. He was changing just like Aomine kun and Murasakibara kun. He looked at me but then turned his back. "Practice is over. Go home now."

"W-what happened? W-why are you like this? You were the first one to promote team play. And the last one to refuse teamwork." I was sobbing softly my grip tightened slightly on his wrist. "Look, I'm not who you think I am. Can't you remember me? I'm pretty sure we've met before." I nod slightly knowing what he was saying. "Good. Then I'm sure you know that I hate people going against my will." I was losing all my power and my grip towards his was so soft. "Tetsuya, just be the way you are even before I'm back." I just simply nod tears still falling. I needed time to digest all that happened today. I was too hurt as well at how Sei kun didn't even bother to fight for us against his other-self. He gently wiped my tears and cupped m cheeks. "Stop crying." He said concerned but still filled with authority. At first, I thought maybe his personality was like that in court but I was mistaken.

On our walk home, we were awfully quiet. I didn't even dare look at him, too scared of what I would see. I could sense his affection towards me but he was in denial of that.

He looked at me before I closed the door. "Hey umm, see you tomorrow, I guess." I just nodded weakly at what he said. I leaned my back at the door softly crying before I headed to my room.

A few weeks passed and he was still the same cold and superior personality of his. We grew distant of each other of his drastic change. Momoi asked what was going on between us because we barely talk to each other. I just shook my head and never answered her. She was always there to comfort me.

At games, it was as if we were not a basketball team anymore. They had inside bets. They would all bet against one another who would score points the most. It was no longer a game between two opposing teams, it was now a game between five individuals. I was still their sixth man since I was rarely substituted in any game ever since his change.

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