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Kuroko's POV:
"Alright, guys our next activity will be hiking or mountain trekking. This is Hikari. She will be with us throughout the whole activity." Akashi-kun explained. Hikari-san has her long brown hair in a ponytail. She also had nice chestnut eyes, and she looks pretty.

After packing the things needed Hikari-san started explaining the flow of the activity. I noticed that she was staring at me. Everyone was ready, then she walked towards me. "Hikari san is there a problem?" "Nothing's wrong Kuroko-kun" She then kissed my cheek for no reason. "Hikari san what was that for?!" "It's for you to be safe during the hike. Let's go the others are waiting." She smiles and has that flirting look on her eyes. I shivered at the thought of her.

Akashi's POV:

While the others and I were waiting for Tetsuya and Hikari, I was starting to feel uneasy. I don't know why but I can feel that something wrong will happen. I was about to open the door and call for the two but I saw somethings I wasn't supposed to see. I didn't know what to say. How can Tetsuya do this?! Wait... Why am I even asking myself? Tetsuya..... Hikari was kissing Tetsuya.

My chest suddenly felt tight and I was raged with anger. I was about to confront them but Atsushi held my hand and shook his head saying don't do it. Why am I reacting this way...?

Murasakibara's POV:

I stopped Aka-chin from confronting Kuro-chin and Hika-chin. I felt Aka-chin's dark aura that suddenly changed when I stopped him. I shook my head to tell Aka-chin not to pursue what he wanted to do. He looked away probably feeling disappointed. I felt bad seeing him like this. I've never seen Aka-chin like this.

"Kuro-chin, Hika-chin, we better get going" I called them for Aka-chin. I could see Aka-chin was in pain, but he didn't want anyone else to notice. I never seen Aka-chin like this, so fragile and possessive, when it comes to Tetsuya. Seeing Aka-chin this way is painful and is something I wouldn't expect him to be. I then pulled Aka-chin into a hug. "Aka-chin, please bear with it ok. You're a strong person." I looked at Aka-chin who was all teary and wiped his tears.

Kuroko's POV:

They hugged... Murasakibara-kun and Akashi-kun... They hugged each other... They look more like a couple... Those words kept on going over and over in my head. It didn't want to stop until Hikari-san pulled me. "Let's get going Kuroko-kun."

When I was with everyone I was beside Hikari-san. I couldn't see Akashi-kun and the others since Hikari-san was prohibiting me. She said it's for safety. I'm starting to get annoyed by what she's doing.

Why is this happening to me? Why am I feeling this way towards what happened to Akashi-kun and Murasakibara-kun? What's even happening to my life.....??? Tetsuya... What's wrong with you...?

~Hey minna!!! Ok, it's been a while... No, it's been forever since I updated. I'm so sorry. I know this is short too. I've been occupied for the past weeks. I'll try updating faster. Thank you so much, peeps. 😊😊😊

LeviHeichou04 at your service~

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