Our First Date

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Kuroko's POV:

"Sei kun ... nnngghhh ... S-sei kun ..." "Tetsuya ... mmmnn ... do you feel good? Ngh" "S-sei kun ... oohh, Sei kun ... aaahhh ... nngghh ... Sei kun I love you ... Ngh ... Sei kun I'm going to...."

*Gasp* What the hell?! This is the first time I dreamt of something lewd. My heart is beating too fast that if this continues I might get a heart attack at this rate. My bed hair has worsen today because of that dream. *sighs* Of all things that I could dream of... Well, every time I wake up Sei kun is always the first thing that pops in my head.

Well speaking of which, ever since the incident in the locker room with Sei kun he never tried doing those things again. All he did this week after that was kiss me gently and give me warm hugs. Wait... maybe Sei kun is upset because of how I reacted. Maybe he's upset since that day that's why he just does gentle things. *scratches head and sighs* If that's so I need to make it up to my dearest Sei kun... I don't want to lose him, I'll make sure I won't lose him.

*Phone Beeps*
❤️️ Sei kun ❤️️

- Good Morning, my Tetsuya. Do you have anything planned for today? - (7:30 a.m.)

- Good Morning, Sei kun. Well... for today? I'm free today, why'd you ask? -

- Good to hear that. Well get dressed. I'll pick you up at exactly 8:30 ok? -

- Well, 8:30 sounds good. Wait where are we going anyways? -

- Let me ask... which of the three do you prefer, sweet, adventurous, or romantic? -

- Well... I don't have any particular interest. I think anything fun would be great. -

- If you say so... I guess I'll just surprise you then. See you later my Tetsuya. I love you. -

- See you later Sei kun I love you too. -

* Turns phone off *

Hmm... I wonder what Sei kun is planning. W-wait I-it can't be. Is he probably going to take me out on a date? At the thought of that, my cheeks felt warm and my heart skipped a beat. When I checked the time it was 7:40 already. I better prepare so I still have time to buy something nice for Sei kun.

I quickly went in the shower and used the newly bought shampoo. Afterwards, I started drying my hair and wrapped myself in my towel. I then checked my closet if I had something decent to wear. I better ask Sei kun what would he suggest I wear.

❤️️Sei kun❤️️

-Umm... Sei kun can I at least ask what is an appropriate attire for where we are going? -

- Well, I suggest you wear something you are comfortable with. -

Something comfortable but nice would be good. I took a blue-green shirt and a pink checkered hoodie jacket and pale blue pants together with my new sneakers. When I finished dressing myself it was exactly 8:00. I have enough time to buy Sei kun something nice. I should get going if I don't want to get caught by him.

-At the Mall-

Something decent... hmmm... a couple bracelets, it's noticeable. A couple shirt has the same effect with the bracelet. Hmmm... a scarf... great... oh and a cute jacket. He can use them all the time. I can also buy the same so we can match each other it wouldn't be that noticeable... maybe.
"Miss are the jackets and the scarfs new?" I tapped the lady's shoulder.
"Oh gosh! Oh yes, sir, they are new. Geez, you startled me, sir."

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