Chapter 13: Bratty

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~Peace P/O/V~

We break apart as we hear a knock at the door.

"Coming." we say in unison

I peep through the window and see Bryon just standing there. I begin to back away from the door.

"It's Bryon." I whisper to Ares. He takes my hands and pulls me behind him as he opens the door.

"What do you want?" Ares growls

Bryon's eyes move from Ares to me and back to Ares again. He chuckles.
"Psycho." I say under my breath low enough so only Ares can hear me.

"I was just on my way to Ms. Savva's house to drop off something, but then I realized that I was in your neighborhood and I decided to stop by."

"why were you going to my house?" I ask

"Like I said I had something to drop off ."

Ares stands up to his full 6'2 frame. He towers over Bryon by a few inches, Bryon doesn't seem intimidated.

"What do you have to drop off?" Ares asks

Bryon reaches into his pocket and pulls out my crumpled two-piece from the previous day.

"Please Leave" I hear Ares say

"But I haven't given her, her bikini back."

"Just keep it." He says slamming the door in his face.

A tear slides down my face. Ares turns around " Baby please don't cry he's just a creep who enjoys ruining other peoples lives."

"Who was that at the door?" Eurydice asks coming down the stairs

"Some guy going door to door selling cookbooks." Ares says quickly

"Oh, Peace why are you crying?" she asks

I wipe away my tears. "Allergies." I respond

"Ok. Ummmm Ares can you drive us to the new mall across from the cinema?"

"Why?" he asks eyeing her suspiciously

"A group of us wanted to meet there today."

"Who's gonna be there?" I jump in

"Ummm Karmin, Dayo, Paris, Bryon, and Africa."

"Wait, which Bryon? The one with red hair?" I ask

"Yes. He's been talking about you alot Peace. He says that he would like to get to know you better."

"NO!" me and Ares shout. Eurydice stares at us waiting for an explaination

"I should probably chaperone or something" Ares offers

"Sure as long as I'm getting a ride."

"Should I go change?" I ask

"No, you should definately go to the mall and meet a bunch of people looking like you've been sleeping in a dumpster." She says rolling her eyes

"Wow someone's been acting a little bratty lately" Ares says coldly. I glare at him "cut it out" I mouth. He takes a step back and walks away.

"I guess I'll just leave now. " I say walking towards the stairs. On my way up the stairs Ares comes from behind me and grabs my waist. He begins biting my neck.

"Ares stop Eurydice is in the kitchen."

"I don't care if there's a whole S.W.A.T team in the kitchen I still want to kiss you"

I let him pull me into his arms and carry me up the stairs.

He smacks my butt as we approach Eurydice's room "Go get ready beautiful" he says before leaving me alone.


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