Chapter 21: trail of fire

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~Peace P/O/V~

"I don't know how you did it Peace." Eurydice says getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen

"Did what?" I ask                                                                                                                                                           "I don't know how you managed to get Ares in a good mood. Did you flip up your top and let him feel your boobs?" 

"No." I respond quickly

"Did you.... give him a lapdance?"


"Did you give him a blow job?"

"Eurydice stop!" Ares says "She didn't do any of that. She just gave me a quick egoboost that's all." 

I could see a hint of pink on his cheeks. I reach across the couch and grab his hands. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was about to do something I didn't like. He grabs my hand and pulls me into his lap. His lips move down my neck and leave a trail of fire. I can no longer breath without gasping for air.

"Ares stop." I manage to say under an audible whisper, but of course he doesn't listen. He just moves my hands to his throbbing member, which I can feel through his basketball shorts. I move my hands away, afraid that they would catch on fire.

"You don't have to be afraid." He whispers into my ear. I get up abruptly and walk to the kitchen, where I find Eurydice going through her parents liquor cabnet.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Looking for the good stuff." She says as if it were obvious. She places a bottle of Tequila on the table, next to a six pack of redbull.

"Ares." She calls out "Do you know where mom and dad keep the good stuff?"

"Of course, you don't think I survived 3 years of highschool without knowing where mom and dad keep the booze?"

"Ok I'll go set up the table in the living room. Peace can you please grab the shot glasses out of the cabinet behind you?" She asks

I turn around and open the cabinet as she walks away. The glass is so high up that I can't reach it.

"Need help?" Ares asks coming from behind me and wrapping his cool fingers around my exposed waist. He pushes me against the counter.

" Yes I do." I say letting out shallow breaths

"What do you need help with?" He asks breathing down my neck. My body begins to buzz with excitement.

"I can't reach the glasses." I whine

he streches his body over mine to reach the glasses.

"There you go." he says stepping back and handing them to me.

I grab them and head into the living room, where Eurydice already has the redbull ready. I place the shot glasses on the table as we wait for Ares to bring the alcohol.

"Ready to party?" He asks glancing my way. Me and Eurydice stare at him like he's crazy.

"Ok." I say pouring some rum and redbull into an empty glass.I swing my head back and swallow. The rum burns my throat and I feel a warm buzz.

............20 shots later and we are singing we are the champions loudly.

.............another 10 and we are drunk as fuck.

.............5 more and I'm literally giving Ares a lap dance. Eurydice doesn't look like she cares, she cheers me on instead. At about 8 pm she falls asleep without warning. Me and Ares take this as an advantage. He lays me down on the couch and kisses the nap of my neck, then he softly bites my earlobes. He closes his eyes and leans down to kiss me. I close my eyes at the same time he does so I have no idea he has fallen asleep until I hear his snoring. I have no other choice, but to fall asleep in his arms.


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