chapter 8

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CONTACT ME AT garthastar

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           Love you all.

5 Days later .

I awoke in a hospital room dazed and confused about what had happened . The sound of the machine monitoring my heart rate was the only thing making any sound in the room the feeling soon returned in my arm and I noticed that I was holding on to the guitar . Then the memory of what happened came crashing down on me .

Surge : Ahhh! So your awake!

I turned to my right to see an apparition sitting on the chair wearing a black jacket, pants and shoes he puts his hand's behind his head as he sits in a relaxed position .

I lay on the bed thinking maybe its the hospital drugs that is making me see things.

Surge : I'm not a drug induced hallucination you know !

Jameel: OK ! Then what are you my inner voice ?
if you are then I seriously need to get my head examined by a shrink .

Surge: You know for someone who's life I saved back at the hotel you're not really showing any gratitude towards me .

Jameel: Gratitude you say ! How about telling me that the bellhop just wanted the guitar in the first place rather than him trying to cut off my head to get it . Which funny enough landed me here .

Surge: At least you're alive an that's more than I can say for most people who fought a demon.

Jameel: Alive yeah right an this gaping hole in my side is a living testament to that .

Surge: What hole are you talking about ?

 Turning to the area where the bellhop had attacked noticing that the hole had already closed up .

Surge: Now you understand what i meant when I said I saved your life . Now shut up the doctor is coming just act natural .

The doctor comes barging into the room .

Doctor: Ahh! Your awake and I see your healing fine .

Jameel: How long have I been here ?

Doctor: 5 days but not to worry you teacher and classmate's have been coming everyday to see you .

Surge: That's a relief !

Jameel: Shut up !

Doctor: But I didn't say anything .

Jameel: Sorry about that it must be the drugs .

Doctor: Speaking about drug's I gave you a strong painkiller , the pills will be given to you today when we discharge you from the hospital .

Jameel: Wait what ! I'm being discharged today ?

Doctor: Yes you are your teacher is on his way to pick you up soon .
But before he gets here I'd like to talk to you is thats ok.

Jameel: But we're already talking so ask me what you want doc.

Surge: This is going to be good.

Suddenly Jameel hits the guitar on the floor.

*guitar hits the floor*

Surge: Hey take it easy !

Jameel: OK talk to me doc what's on your mind .

Doctor: Could you tell me how you got that giant gash on your side ?

Instantly a flashback about the bellhop and how he transformed into that strange creature comes running through my mind .

Jameel: Can't remember .

Doctor : OK one last question when they brought you in you kept a firm grip on the guitar and during patching you up in the infirmary you kept muttering if I ever get out of this I swear to God surge I'm going to have your head.

Jameel: Wow I said that .

Doctor: Who's surge ?

Jameel: I don't know .

Doctor: Was he the one who caused that massive gash your side if so you should let me know so I can notify the proper authorities.

Jameel: for the last time doctor I don't anyone that goes by the name Surge and how long is it going to take before my teacher comes and gets me.

 Suddenly Mr.Robert's enters the hospital room with the discharge papers.

Jameel: Thank God! now take me back to the hotel .

Mr Robert's: can you stand up

Jameel: what kind of stupid-ass question is that of course I can.

As I'm trying to get on my feet only ended up in falling to the floor .

Jameel: what the hell doctor what's wrong with my legs , what did you do to me.

Doctor: oh I forgot to mention one of the side effects of those painkillers your body goes numb mainly your lower half but not to worry I'll get you a wheelchair.

He signals to a nurse outside the door to get him a wheelchair for me then walks outside with mr. Roberts to sign the papers.
it took roughly 20 minutes for her to get back with the wheelchair she places me in it then pushes me down the hallway the doctor turn's around and says it looks like you're all set to go.

Mr. Roberts rushes ahead of me to make sure that the the hotels car is ready to receive me.
Out of nowhere the doctor calls out to me and says hey one other thing tell surge I said Hello! I pretended as if I didn't hear him all I could think about is if anyone else knows what happened at the hotel and what transpired when I came out in the reception lobby a bloody mess and what's the reason for all this.  We get to the main entrance of the hospital and the hotel staff are waiting outside to help me into the car . The doors open an we enter the hospital's parking lot as we make our way to the car the hotel staff takes me out of wheelchair and places me into the car.

 Mr.Robert's sits next to me and says Ashley and Christian will be glad to see you but on another note could you please tell me what the hell happened to you in that Auditorium.
Your incident had the entire hotel on end . An another thing where is that bellhop he's gone missing ever since he took you to the auditorium to test out that new guitar of yours.

Jameel: I don't know he just pointed me to the amp's and the speakers and left .

During the ride back to the hotel sir kept on asking a bunch of questions about what happened. All the while I can here Surge in my in my ear talking to me .

Surge: Hey ! Look I think this guy knows something the way he's asking all those questions .He's trying to put together what actually happened.

Jameel inner voice: Can you just shut up he does not know anything . Even if he did he'd say something .

Surge: I'm telling you he does I just know he does .

Jameel's inner voice : Oh from apart being a sprit trapped inside a guitar your a mind reader .

Surge: You can say what you like kid but I know he knows something about to what happened. I think you should find a way to tell home what happened .

Jameel's inner voice: Your crazy you know that how the hell am I   supposed to tell him that the bell hop turned into a monster that almost killed me an that I cut off its head to save myself with the help of a dead guy's ghost that's inside of the guitar i bought from an old lady who put a curse on the before she burst into flames an died .

Surge: Well when you put it like that no don't tell him anything until we can assess what he knows .

To my fans I'm sorry it took so long I've been going through a lot the past few months but I'm back .Hopefully you'll forgive my absence I promise to put out a new chapter again in a few moments.
     Love Toshro1

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