My Brothers New Friend [2]

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heyy I didn't want to make anyone that has read this wait any longer so I thought I'd post what i have right now.


As soon as he disappeared I could breathe normally again. Once I caught my breath I walked downstairs only to trip on the third last step.

Chapter 2

I fell on him! He was standing there to come up the stairs, and I just fell on him! He caught me in his arms and we fell. I said, "I'm so so-" I was cut off by his kiss.

This is the second time today he's kissed me.

I lay here, at the bottom of the stairs, wrapped in his arms. I blushed, "You're so cute when you blush," he said. This made me blush even more. I pushed myself up off of him and went to sit on the couch that wasn't occupied.

"Em--" I stopped, "Never mind." She was busy with Justin :P, I got up and grabbed one of the popcorn bowls. I backed up to my couch and sat down. Isaiah came back down the stairs smirking. I turned my head back towards the TV and looked for the remote.

"It's beside you." I turned towards him. It's as if he can read minds.

"Thanks" I grabbed the remote and pressed play.

Isaiah came and sat down beside me on the love seat. I know what it's called, it's just a shorter couch, jeeze. I placed the popcorn between us. Maybe I'll be able to concentrate on the movie if he's not too close.

Isaiah grabbed the popcorn bowl and put it on the coffee table in front of us. Just great.

(a/n: spoiler alert for the proposal and the other movie, not too much of a spoiler though)

The movie went well, it was so funny, SMACK (nude!), we'll be having some laughs from that this weekend.

"To the window(to the window), to the wall(to the wall), to the sweat drop down my ballz, to all these bitches crawl, to all skit skit motherfucker, all skit skit god damn, to all skit skit mother fucker, all skit skit god damn." Em chanted.

I laughed, "That was too funny.!" I said between laughs, rolling on the floor.

"Who wants to watch another movie?" Justin said grabbing 'Paranormal Activity'.

"Sure, it couldn't hurt." Em said.

"Sure, never seen it." Isaiah said.

"Uhm, sure." I said. I've heard of this movie but I'm not sure if I really want to watch it.

When the movie started I was feeling sleepy. I sat down in my spot on the couch, and everyone else in theirs. Em and Justin, of course, were snuggling.

When the lady got dragged out of the bed I screamed and covered my eyes. Yeah I know, girly, but it was scary. Isaiah put his arm around my waist and when he pulled me over I could feel his muscles flexing. He held me close, and when the scary parts came I buried my face in his chest. He smelled so good. It was like sweet cologne, and popcorn butter. I was glad he was here, he was my safe harbor.

As soon as the movie was over I grabbed the remote and turned the TV and DVD player off.

"That was so scary." I whispered.

"Yeah, but I'm glad you were here. I might have screamed like you." He whispered back laughing. I slapped his well toned chest. He grabbed my hand and just held it between us, playing with my fingers.

Em and Justin were dozing off on the other couch, I was feeling really tired. My eyes were getting heavy, and then blackness surrounded me.


When I woke up, I woke to arms securely wrapped around me. I remembered what happened last night and smiled. My head was on Isaiah's chest. He was softly breathing. I just stayed on the couch and closed my eyes to think.

About two minutes later Isaiah opened his eyes. I assumed this because he began stroking my hair. I looked up at him and embarrassment crosses his complexion. I laughed silently and he joined in.

We both got up and walked silently upstairs. On the stove clock it said it was 7:00 am. "To tell the truth I'm never up this early on a Saturday." I whispered.

"Me neither."

"My mom will be down here at, like, 8:30. Se works at 9:00, but she's going away on business for a week and my dad is going with her." I whispered back to him a little louder because it was so quiet.

"Okay," he smiled, "I'm wondering what Caleb did last night." He laughed.

"Who knows," I heard something in the living room fall, "That's probably Caleb. No need to wonder any longer." I smiled.

"Haha, yeah"


At 9:30 when my mom and dad were gone, and Em left with Justin to hang out with him, it was just me, Caleb, and my brother's new friend, Isaiah.

"Katy, I'm gonna have a party tonight and--" I cut him off.

"And don't tell mom and dad." He smiled.

"You know me so well." He said.

Did I mention my brother is 18, yep, he has his booze license. So he went to buy alcohol. He bus it at different places so it doesn't look like so much.

When Caleb left, Isaiah and I sat on the couch, in the living room, flipping through channels. We stopped on Much Music. We listened to a bunch of songs. Replay - Iyaz, Tik Tok - Kesha, and more.

"I really like Replay. It's got to be my favourite," I said, "For now."

He laughed, "It's a good song."

We sat on the couch and he pulled me closer to him. I had to admit, he's getting more confident. I put my head on his chest and listened to him breathe. I guess I am too.

We talked for a bit, getting to know each other. He told me he had an older sister and a 12 year old brother. He told me his birthday was April 29th. I told him mine was November 18th. We talked and talked. At noon my brother walked through the garage door with a bunch of alcohol. We got up and helped him bring it in. we cleaned up the house and took all the breakable things, and valuable, and put them in a corner of my room and locked the door.

At 7:00 people started showing up. We had the music blasting (the neighbours never complained). At the parties my brother threw I never drank, well...okay not never, but I wouldn't get wasted and do something I'd totally regret.

I think it's short but I hope you enjoy it. =D

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