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Lauren pushed Camila against the wall of the toilet stall and kissed her neck, her tongue never leaving Camila's hot skin.

Camila arched her back and threw back her head in pleasure. She wanted Lauren. That was something she knew for sure now.

Her hands slid down Lauren's body, feeling every curve, only stopping to position her hands on Lauren's ass. Her body felt perfectly sculpted like no art she'd ever witnessed. Lauren was standing so close to her it felt like their bodies were melted together.

"Lauren." Camila moaned. "Kiss me." She said, desperate to feel the older girls' lips on hers again.

This was so wrong, so terribly wrong. But it felt so goddamn right.

Lauren did as she was told and kissed her deeply. Camila opened her mouth for Lauren to enter and their tongues began a joyious battle.

Lauren had one hand in Camila's hair while the other rested in her neck.

Her brain couldn't keep up with what was happening. All she knew was the feeling that spread through her body while she was with Lauren. It was consuming. Pure sensation.

"Camila?" A voice sounded and both girls disconnected their lips immediately in surprise.

Lauren flattened herself against the wall and breathed rather loud.

"Shit." She hissed.

"Camila? Is that you?" She heard Dinah say again.

Camila's heart beat in her throat. Fuck. How would they get out of this.

"She can't know." Lauren whispered.

Camila felt that pit in her stomach again.

"What do we do then?" She hissed through her teeth.

"Camila?" Dinah repeated.

"I know you're in there. What's going on, where is Lauren?" Dinah asked.

Lauren raised her eyebrows at her meaningfully and Camila threw her hands in the air as an aswer. Not knowing what to do either.

"Mila." Dinah whined, now banging on the door.

Camila pinched her nose and said the only thing she could think of.

"I'm taking a shit." She said.

Lauren stiffled a laugh as she put her hand in front of her mouth.

Camila shot her daggers with her eyes which only caused Lauren to laugh again.

"God Mila, thanks for that piece of information. Unbelievable, you haven't even touched your food yet. Why are you laughing?" Dinah said.

Camila slapped herself. "It's been a while since I've been able to poop. So I'm kind of happy."

It stayed silence for some seconds. The only sound was Lauren, whom was almost choking while keeping herself from laughing.

"Uh. Ok. " Dinah said, confusion evident in her voice.

Camila knew that Dinah would never let her hear the end of this later. Dinah loved embarrassing Camila, so what better than this story.

"But where is Lauren?" Dinah asked.

"I don't know. Not here." Camila said quickly.

"Uh yes, we saw you two go in here together." Dinah argued.

"I don't think so are you sure?"

"Pretty sure." Dinah answered.

"Well maybe she's in another toilet stall? Lauren?! Are you there?" Camila shouted.

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