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In the shade of the trees stood a man. He was a puppet player.

Pulling the strings is what he did. He knew what he wanted, and he would always have it.

The green eyed girl he was staring at, was still his. His little puppet. She had nothing, and he had everything.

Lauren was going to regret this. He would make her feel every single heartbreak he had ever suffered times ten. He would crush that ugly heart of hers because if Lauren wouldn't be with him, she would be with no one.

Or better, he would hurt that ridiculous girl she somehow fell for and in doing that, hurt Lauren.

How could she possibly be that stupid? Camila had a boyfriend and that wasn't going to change.

Not to mention the fact that it was disgusting. It made him sick to his stomach. Two women kissing were so many kinds of wrong.

He was doing both girls a favour really. Maybe it wasn't too late to save them from hell.

He had to protect her.

He took another drag from his cigarette as he looked at the two sickly in love girls giggling as they walked away from the attraction.

They weren't holding hands but he wasn't stupid. He hadn't missed how the little slut had grabbed Lauren and kissed her in the car. Nor had he missed the way Lauren looked at her.

From the sideline of the bushes he had perfect view of the two girls, who seemed to be arguing about what they should do next.

His eyes were set on the raven haired beauty he so desired, no not desired, posessed.

He posessed Lauren because she would do exactly as he said, when he said.

He was the puppet player, and the strings were in his hands.

(Camila POV)

Camila felt like she was floating through thin air. Having Lauren next to her, knowing Lauren wanted her as she wanted her, it made her heart as light as a feather.

Lauren took her to the place she had always wanted to go and had proved that what they had was not just experimenting.

It was so much more. So much more than she ever had.

Was this what it felt like to be in love? If it was, Camila didn't want this feeling to go away, ever.

However, something, or rather someone, kept popping up in the back of her mind. Chuck.

How had she gotten to this point? The point where she gave him up in a blink of an eye without further notice?

Because that is what was reality. She blurted out she would break up with him before she even thought about it.

It would definitely be hard and painful to break up with the boy but looking at Lauren, she knew it would be worth it.

There were still so many questions to be answered. Was Lauren a lesbian? What was she?

Lauren was talking but Camila didn't hear what she was saying. Her eyes were glued to her angelic face. Her plump pink lips that moved in a rapid tempo, the ones she wanted to kiss so badly.

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