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I walked back to my room and started to pack. I would leave in one week myself but I was going to send all my items I needed there before hand. I packed lots of uniforms, they were simple. Black shirt with a the DMA mark in red, sewn right above my breasts. And a dark purple skirt, that went to about mid thigh a little higher. Simple but yet pretty. I packed lots of nightgowns. I pack shoes, undergarments, and black cloak.

I shut my trunk after checking to make sure I had everything. I put it on a wagon that had my other stuff with it. I grabbed the iron handle and pulled it out into the hallway. I welled it to the larger wagon that was in the courtyard.

"Thank you here's the address to the apartment, and here's the key." I said well handing it to the driver. He bowed his head and took the items from me. He got back on his wagon after helping with the trunks and started down the road. I watched him go until he was lost in the city. I walked back inside, I was to attend a meeting with the leader of the farming area.

I walked toward the throne room but then I turned right toward meeting room 1. I opened the oak doors and found everyone waiting inside. The turned there attention to me as I entered.

"Good afternoon you majesty!" They said together.

"Good afternoon."I said in return. I walked to my seat. I stood in front of it, waiting for everyone to find there seats.

"Alright," I said at last," Let's began."

                  ♡~~~~~~~~~~~One Week Later~~~~~~~~~~~♡

I traveled down a worn out road of the DMA academy. We went up and down hills enough to where I lost track of where we were. Finally the carriage stopped. I looked out the window to find a new apartment. It was painted gray and it was a two storys. It was like a little house. I got out of the carriage, with my bag on my shoulder. I walked up to the door. I grabbed the keys and unlocked the lock. I swung open the doors and the smell of dust filled my nose. I walked into a hallway smaller then the ones at the castle but big enough for two people to fit through comfortably.

Next it opened up into the kitchen/ dinning room. To my right was a sitting area with a low table in the middle. In the back was a washing place and the stairs. I went up and another hallway was there, to my left was a small bedroom, and to my right a large bedroom, each a bathroom, and each had a bed and closet. I found my trunks in the large room. But before anything could be done, I had to clean.

I used my magic to collect all the dust in the place and through it out the window. Then I started making sure everything worked. The stove worked and so did the cooler. The sink was clean and it even had a foset.

I completed the tour of the house and went up stairs to start unpacking. I opened my closet and it was huge. About as big as my closet at the palace. I grabbed the hangers and started to hang my clothes. After that I took a trunk down stairs and started to put the dishes I got from the kitchen in the cabinet on the side of the counters.

I then grabbed my bag full of money and walked to the market place. Which thankfully it was open. I bought some stuff to last me 2 weeks before school would start. Lord Death said that lunch and dinner was served at the school but breakfast was not, so I better get good at making breakfast.

I returned home arms full of groceries and I could not open the door.

"Hey need help?" A deep voice asked. I looked behind me and saw a handsome, strong guy.

"Um ya, I can't seem to get the door open." I said, sort of blushing at my helplessness or was I blushing at him.

"Here I know a good trick for that, you just unlock it and then hit it at the top then at the bottom. Like this." He said and he hit the top of the door then the bottom and the door opened.

"Thanks." I said.

"Here I'll help you get the things in." He said and picked up some groceries.

"Thank you, what's your name?" I asked. Tilting my head like a curious wolf.

"Blackstar, yours?" He asked.

"Salora," I said well putting the groceries on the counter.

"Princess Salora?!" He said.


"Wow I thought you were older then 15." He said.

"Ya I get that alot. Well thank you again and..... how did you know my age?"

"You new here." He said.

"Oh, it's that obvious huh."

"Ya," he looked behind him to the street were a carraige was waiting, "well your majesty I'll see you around?"

"Ya, you too Blackstar." I said bowing, we laughed and he walked out the door. That night I was eating dinner and thinking to myself.

I made a friend, and it feels weird. I have never had anyone like this before.

I went to be that night think about him, I would even she him in my sleep. For a while. Who knew what one friend could do to your long life of loneliness.

Royal Book One: Fire And DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now