Back to School

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I woke up the next morning in my own bed. I could hardly remember last night. It was second day (monday) so I did my morning routine for school. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and long raven black hair that had a purple streak on the right side. I ate breakfast and feed my wolf.

I grabbed my bag from the kitchen table where I left it the night before. I grabbed my key from the coat hangers in the hall. I unlocked my door and went out side a cool breeze kissed my face, armes, and legs. I shut the door and locked it. I walked out to the street and began to walk the up hill journey to the school. I heard someone coming up behind me, I turned to see Blackstar.

"Oh hey." I said.

"Hey, so how'd it go with Jack?" He asked. What a random question.

"Good but to be honest I don't remember most of what happened. How'd it go with you and Evangeline?"

"Good, great actually I just hope I did not get her pregnant." We laughed and I thought. I could have gotten pregnant. Oh shit. I raised my hand to my hair and began stroking it back. I knew I had a shocked look on my face, but I did not expect Blackstar to say anything.

"Hey you alright?" He asked.

"I can't get pregnant. I.......... did he do it long enough for me to get pregnant?" I asked out loud.

"He likes playing tricks so he might have drugged you to keep you going all night long. When I went in there to take you home he still had his dick up your....... sorry no disrespect." I could not believe it. He could have gotten me pregnant.

"But the drug he put in you also makes it that you don't get pregnant. He is an expert on potions and drugs so I would not worry." Star added probably seeing my face pale. We reached the school. We walked together to our class, I waved him bye and I took my seat next to Evangeline.

"Hey," I said," how did your night go with Star?" I asked.

"Great, I am kind of hoping to get pregnant." She said," how did your night go with Jack?"

"Good." She suddenly made a high pitch noise like a tea kettle ready to blow. My ears barked in pain and I had to shut them so I would not go deaf.

"Salora has a boyfriend Salora has a boyfriend!" She began singing.

"Evangeline," I hissed," he is not my boyfriend." Suddenly a boy walked right up to me. I look up and it was Jack. I started to feel the heat rise up to my cheeks. He came in close.

"Hey babe, how would you like to come to my place tonight. Or we could go to yours." He said in a low voice. I blushed even harder.

"Well?" He asked.

"No, you promised you would not go longer than a hour and you went way longer. So I am sorry but no." I answered even though every mussel in my body urged me to grab his ironed black shirt and pull him in for a kiss.

"Ok, but know this no one says no to me." He went to the back of the room and the teacher walked in. A new teacher thank the goddesses.

Class went by quickly and I went to my next class. Weapons class. I walked in and was greeted by the teacher. Mr.Gold. The class was fun and it went by to quickly. I liked Mr.Gold strict, funny and a great teacher. I went to lunch and sat down next to Evangeline. Who kept going on and on about how such a cute couple me and Jack make. I rolled my eyes and finished my steak. It was huge. Enough to fill my 7 stomachs up. I'm half dragon so I eat a lot. Blackstar just stared at me like I suddenly grew another head.

"What" I asked after eating the last bit of meat.

"How did you eat all that?" He asked amazed.

"I'm half dragon so I have 7 stomachs." I simply answered. He nodded and the bell rang. Next was potions with I'm pretty good at. After that it was magic. One I'm not to fond of. My lack of control causes me to hold back because I don't want to hurt anyone. But there is this nagging voice in my head saying to let it all out. One time I listened and I burned another student. I was not punished because the teacher said it happens all the time.

But I am not listening to that voice again. It seemed dark,cruel and ancient. The day ended soon and I walked home alone. I was gessing Blackstar was walking Evangeline home so I had no one to talk to. I reached my house but before I could open the door or even get my key out, someone grabbed my from behind. Male, he tied my hands, gagged my mouth and nock me out before I could do anything.

I woke up in a different room I was not gagged but my hands and legs were pined. I was strapped on to a table. My legs spread open and my armes to far apart to reach each other. I heard foot steeps. And a heavy low voice started to laugh.

"Well well well Arora looks like I have you now,"it was Jack," I told you to never say no to me, so this time I won't drug you, I will make you endure every time my dick gose through you. I'll get you pregnant even. That way you do not say no to me ever again." His voice changed. It was darker and scratcher.

"No," I said but I knew it was no use.

"I'll give you a choice then, up close and personal or, I use a potion to make me into a, well you'll see." He went to his table and drank a potion. Soon his close ripped and a bunch of tentacles came off of him. I was scared, down to the bone scared.

"Huh no answer so I'll do both." He started to laugh, he came up to me, that was when I realized I was naked. He got on top of me and kissed me firmly, then he got his real dick and shoved it into me. He got off my mouth and moved to my neck. I moaned. I was still soft from last night. He got off of me and stood there waiting. He started to move his tentacle things, and within a blur of a movement I felt about 5 of them go into me. I shouted in pain. But he just kept going.

His laugh was barely a noise against my shouts. Soon he was on me again his dick went into my thing, but I felt his tentacles go behind me. I felt a sharp pain in my bottom. I yelped. He laughed. And he kept going all night.

A/N: hey guys sorry if it was a bit intense. I was bord and really had nothing else to do. Jack is an ass don't you think?

Jack: I am not an ass! You wrote the book!

Me: yes but is still your an ass.

Salora: she is right you know I don't know how you could get alot of girls.

Jack: hey you feel for me to remember sweets.

Salora: *Grrrrr* I would watch your tongue Jack before I burn it off!

Me: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fight fight fight!

Jack: stay out of this!

Me: jack jack he's our man if he can't do it GREAT.

Blackstar: wow were is my popcorn. I bet you 10 bucks that Salora will bet his ass.

Me: Deal. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Well hope you guys like it so far, I'll upgrade every few days. Stay flaming!!

Jack: stay flaming really

Me:*punch him in face Jack stumbles down.* what was that?

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