The Test part 2

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The kids from LMA come in 15 days. Then the compition is in about four weeks from now. However first we have to have our test. Two kids have moved on so far. Nina Lorgon and Leon Haris, two great fighters, but I won't have trouble subduing them. Blackstar and I where in the stands again and watched as the 10th graders got warmed up for there compition. I went for a girl, she had red hair and was wearing a red with her black suit. Blackstar was studying another girl, she was wearing blue and has blond hair. I glared at him.

"What?" He asked shrugging.

"Are you checking her out!" I almost yelled.

"What no! We still have those bets going on!" I rolled my eyes and hit him on the leg.

"I'm playing dumb dumb." He sighed and the buzzer went off. They migrated down to the arena and took there post. Once every place was filled another higher pitch buzzer sounded. I then released Jack was in this grade. We watched, my girl went after a group of boys and got two of them befor she was taken out by a different boy that appeared from a tree, Jack.

"Crap my girl got finished, guess you won." I said.

"Yes. Well it only matters what her rank is in the end so." He shrugged and we continued to watch.

Blackstar girl finished in second well mine got third, Jack was the one to come out on top. At least she took out like four guys, but it was time to do what Blackstar wanted us to do. He smirked at me.

"Come on let's go." He stood and we walked out. A carriage was waiting for us outside and we got in and it started to move.

"So what are we doing?" I asked well placing my head on his shoulder.

"You'll see. It's called pay back for what you did to me last night." He smirked and I got a really bad felling. We never no no it can't be that. He would not dare, would he? Dose he trust me that much, dose he know what will happen if I get hit, or worse?!

"Babe I know what your thinking. And I don't think it's a good idea. Not for tomorrow but for the actual compition. What if I get hurt. I don't want to......." he cut me off with a kiss.

"Don't worry. I know you are strong. And you never know you may not get pregnant."

"But what if I do? I can't live with that. Babe, I don't know."

"You may not."

"I don't want to take that chance."

"Don't worry, for you to get pregnant you have to for about thirty minutes, right?"

"Sometimes it can just........ ugh I was lucky with Jack. When I went to the docs and they said it only took 30 min or less. I was lucky. But I can't just - expecially with the compition only being like two weeks or so, away." The carriage stopped at my house and we got out.

"Ok," he sighed," I'll respect your wishes, come on." He gets out and I follow him. We walk a few meters to my door and I unlocked it. Blackstar looked a bit upset.

"Are you mad with me." I said well opening the door.

"No of course not it's just......."he shut the door behind us and grabbed my hands" was a stupid idea, I'm sorry but hopefully we can sometime. Now go get some nice close on and I'm going to go over to my place. I'll see you later."

"Ok," I go up the stairs and he walks out the door, I hear it shut and I grab a red dress. It was plain red but I hugged my body tight and the cout with it was black and had a long back and a hood. Then it had red lace along side of it. I went to my bathroom and did my long black hair up in a braid that went with the dress. I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. I then heard a glass break, it came from Star's house.

Once I walked into my house I felt dizzy. I braced my hand on a wall and allowed my head to adjust. Once my vision blurred back to normal I got a cup and poured some water from my sink. I thought to myself. 'What have I had today, only a bottle of water that tasted funny after Salora and I went to grab some food'. Crap, I feel to the floor a struggled to get up. I placed my hand on the counter but ended up spilling everything on it, to the floor.

I shook my head and heard a knock on my door. "Blackstar are you ok?" It was Salora thank god.

"" I struggled to get the words out of my mouth.

"What's wrong, are you hurt?!" She sounded scared.

"Poison. out........of me!" I clenched my stomach and felt my nose bleed. Blood started to drip to the floor and I nearly passed out. But that red dress and black eyes kept me awake.

"Ok, I'll try." She touched my shoulder and closed her eyes. My body began to heat up as her magic flowed through me, burning out all the poison causing me to vomit. She released me and was panting for breath.

"There you go. Let's go get........get you cleaned up." She got me under my arm and hulled me into a half standing, half falling position.

I nodded and allowed her to walk me up the stairs and into my bathroom. She sat me down on the toilet and helped get my clothes off. She started the bath and allowed it to fill.

"So we ant going out huh? Well that's ok, I just need you better for tomorrow." She grabbed my hand a squeeze hard.

"Ok, thank you. How did you know I was hurt?" The tub was almost filled.

"I do have good hearing you know, I could hear glass breaking and such. Come on let's get you in." She turned off the water and grabbed a rag and wiped my face and my chest clean of blood and a bit of vomit.

"Well this was embarrassing huh?" I chuckled.

"No not really. You have taken care of me like this. And really I'm not like those girls who don't even want to step in mud." She smiled and hulled me up again and into the bath. The warm water kissed my skin and helped sooth the pain.

"Ya your one to take mud baths. That's what I love about you." I smirked.

"I know, now let me get you the soup and I'll go clean up down stairs. And don't drown on me please." We laughed and she handed me my soup and a wash rage. Then she left me in the bathroom.

I closed the door and walked down the stairs to clean up the vomit on the floor. I walked into the kitchen, avoiding the vomit, and grabbed a rag. I knelt next to the vomit and tried my best to clean it with the rag. Then I used darkness to pick up the rest. I finished it up by using fire to kill the germs and I threw the rag in the laundry after rinsing it out in the sink.

I went to Star's room and grabbed him some clothes. A t-shirt with tan colering, underware and some blue baggy pants. I walked back into his bathroom to find him laying in the bath tub, not drowning thank the goddesses. "So how you felling?" I set his clothes down and sat down on his toilet.

"Better. Can I get out now?" I laughed and nodded.

"Come on can you stand?" He nodded and stood up. He stepped out and I gave him a towel. And pulled the plug to drain the water. He dried his body and slid into his clothes. Then he scrubbed his hair. Then hung his towel onto a hook behind the door. I walked out, well Star got his stuff to brush his teeth, and went over to my place to grab some clothes. I walked down the stairs and turned the corner to my place. Walked about ten feet and through my door.

I went up my stairs and grabbed my night gown and my uniform for the compition. My color was Sygeria purple, or dark purple. I grabbed underware, a bra, my socks and boots. I then walked back out my front door, locked it and went over to Star's place.

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