First Day

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I walked down the misty street. The cool morning air kissed my face. I fixed the strap on my satchel, it was all twisted and it made my shoulder numb. I rounded a corner of the street and I started to make out trees in the think mist. Then I huge black gate appeared in front of me. It was open but I could not make anything out passed the gate. I took a few steps in and I stopped as a massive school lay before me. My breath was taken away. I walked slowly to the entrance still taking in all the magnificent details.

"Good morning your majesty." A deep voice said. I was snapped back to reality and found Headmaster Donavan in front of me.

"Headmaster good to see you." I said as greeting.

"Please follow me." He said. He bowed and lead me into the school. As I walked in a large assembly room lay before me. I saw students in there, killing time befor the bell. Non took notice of us.

We walked to a door that read, 'Headmaster'. We walked through, and I was presented with a Wolf statue. Our countries animal. He pulled a lever and the statue moved to revile a spiral stair well. He walked onto the third step and stopped. I walked on to the first step and he pulled a lever. Then we began to move. Up and up.

Then it stopped, are we stuck. The statue moved and it reviled the Headmaster office. It was huge and when you look out a window you could see ether the apartments, or at a massive arena. He sat down at his massive desk. I sat at the other end.

"Well princess do you wish to say anything to your peers?" He asked me.


"Ok then just say what you want and it will be recorded in" he said.

"Hello, I am Princess Salora. I am happy to say that I will be joining you this year. Now most people might say 'well what is a pretty, prissy princess doing here' well, turns out I'm not prissy or a girly girl. I am as man as you are and I don't care if my make up gets out of place or if I get dirty. Or if I break a nail, I don't really care if I break a bone. So don't treat me like a helpless girl who can't defend herself. Because let my tell you if you treat me like that then I will show you how manly I can be.

Thank you, and I hope to meet you all soon." I finished and turned it over to Lord Death. He said a few things and then put it in a envilope. He sealed it up and used a spell to duplicate it and send it to all the homeroom classes. I left his office and started to my class as the bell rang. It was a hassle trying to dodge all the people crowding the halls. I got to my class in one peace, barely. I took my seat next to a blonde. I slung my bag on my chair and started to shift through it.

"Hey babe." The blonde next to me said I looked up from my bag and saw Blackstar.

"Hey, hello your majesty." He said.

"Hello blackstar. And you are?" I asked politely to the blonde.

"Oh Im Evangeline." She said, " your Princess Salora? I heard that you never been out of the palace before, well just so you know I'm black star's girlfriend."

"Ha I'm not stupid." I said.

"What she means is," Blackstar stepped in," is that you still seem new to a school, trust me she ment no harm."

Knowing I could cause a fight I brushed the subject off. The teacher came in and all of us sat down. And blackstar left for his class.

"Good morning students. Welcome to the first day of your new high school year. Now let me read you the letter. SIT DOWN!!" She yelled a some boys in the back off the class. They chuckled and sat down.

"Alright, I'm Miss.Fangprire, I will be your instructor for History. Now let's read the letter from our Headmaster Donavan," she opened the letter and began to read," This is from the Princess," she read the letter and I did not care to listen. I looked to my right and left and no one was paying any attention. I looked at the blonde I was sitting next to and saw here drawing a picture. I looked over her shoulder to see better. It was her, in a crown and a beautiful dress.

"What are you doin." She said, glaring at me.

"I like your drawing." I simply said.

"Oh thank you," her expression softened," I want to make dresses when I get older as a hobby." She said and started back on her drawing. I was about to say something else but I was interrupted.

"Evangeline, no talking. And you." She turned her attention on me." I don't know who you are but you better pay attention for your own good girl." She said I smirked and started to laugh.

"Get that smirk off your face girl!" She yelled. I started to laugh even harder., "Enough, I will teach you some discipline you bitch." I stopped laughing. Some kids form the next class room looked around the corner from the teachers yelling. One of them was Blackstar.

"I'm sorry but you are going to teach me discipline? Ha! It's you that needs discipline." I rose from my seat," Maybe I'll teach it to you." The women got a whip out and hit me across the face. Every one gasped.

"You should think twice before opening your mouth girl." She hit me again. And it cut my face. I reached to my face and saw my dark blood on my fingers. I turned my face to the teacher and lunged. I went for her throat. She grabbed me and thew me into the chalk board. I hit the ledge of the board and felt one of my ribs snap. Living in the palace I learned some self defense, but I was facing a trained 20 year old. I was out matched. But I did not back down. I stood and felt the pain in my ribs. I hissed but stayed up right. I breathed in and out and closed my eyes, and listened.

She started walking to me thinking I gave up. Then I heard the hiss of her shirt on her skin as she reached for me. My eyes shot open and I grabbed her arm. In one swift motion I twisted her arm and hit her elbow, breaking her arm in two. Then I spun and kicked her hard in the gut. I went to punch but she grabbed my hand twisted my arm and broke my arm. I yelped in pain as my bone snapped. I knelt on the floor holding my arm. I gut punched in the face and my head went crashing into the wall behind me.

My eyes went in and out of focus. Just then I saw Lord Death walk in. Finally. I heard him say.

"What happened." He asked.

"This girl was disrupting class. Then she picked I fight with me after I tried to tell her to stop talking." She lied.

"No she whip her enough to draw blood on her face." I heard a voice say, it was Blackstar.

"Where's the girl." Lord Death demanded.

"Right here." She said and he turned to me.

"What have you done." He said and hit the girl across the face. She went down and faced him.

"I....." She started. But was cut off.

"That is the Princess. PRINCESS. You idiot!" He yelled. She looked at me and started to cry, her career surly ruined. I blacked out after I saw Blackstar running to carry me away from the class room to who nows were. If school was going to be like this, then there is never going to be a dull moment.

A/N: So what you guys think so far!?

Salora: Much better than the last book. And tell you the truth that actually did happen to me.

Blackstar: Ya. Try not to do that again. *laughs*

Salora: ha ha.

Evangeline:well it could have been worse. But that messed up  history teacher dose not know that you were Princess Salora. Ha!

Blackstar: ya that was funny.

Me: ya it is. It gose to show how dumb people can be. *laughs* Well guys keep reading it's going to get good.

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