317. When I don't want it to happen, it happens. When I do want it to happen, it doesn't. -Teenager Post #1086
318. I say "I don't know" to everything when I'm no in the mood to talk.
319. Be careful who you call your friends...I'd rather have four quarters than a hundred pennies! -Relatable Post #5703
320. You can like someone so much and start to think you're in love, but those feelings pass and you can see them again, but it doesn't really hurt you to see them happy without you. Then one day, you actually fall in love with someone...then they end up breaking your heart, you slowly start to realize you were wrong the first time. The first time was a "crush" and yeah it hurt, but it's nothing compared to the broken heart you receive after your first love lets you down.
321. Listen to everyone. Ideas come from everywhere.
322. Cute guys make you crazy, hot guys make you drool, cool guys make you daydream. But funny guys make you fall in love without ever knowing it.
323. You can't have a better tomorrow if you're always thinking about yesterday.
324. Shakespeare said: I always feel happy. You know why? Because I don't expect anything from anyone, expectations always hurt...Life is short...so love your life...Be happy...and keep smiling...just live for yourself and before you speak listen before you write think before you spend earn. Before you pray forgive. Before you hurt feel. Before you hate love before you quit. Try before you die live.
325. Your smile will tell you what makes you feel good.
326. Only God, can judge me.
327. No matter how badly people treat you, never drop down to their level. Just know you're better and walk away. -Unknown
328. Don't let your ears witness what your eyes didn't see don't let your mouth speak what you heart doesn't feel.
329. When your heart is pure, your mind is clear.
330. You will find a thing. It may be important.
331. The dream is within you.
Quotes! (Funny Sad Happy Love Depression Heartache And Much More!!)
DiversosHere is where you can get quotes that you really want to hear and makes you think! All types of quotes are up here: Funny, Sad, Happy, Love, Depression, Life, Pleasures, Random, and many more!!! Plus I dedicate the chapters to my followers randoml...