Quotes Of The Day! 4/22/14 aka Earth Day!

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3195. How can I protect anything when the only thing I love more than a beautiful, fragile person is a beautifully broken person?

3196. How do you heal when you don' feel at all? Learn from a past you're afraid to recall? Put out a fire with a heart made of matches? Keep out the cold with a soul that's in patches? -Derek Deyling

3197. She looked like a book like a book with too many pages, most man would set it aside. By the time one did try with delight in his eyes she'd torn every page from inside. -Derek Deyling

3198. "Of all my desires this side of the grave a few more earnest than most - a companion to drink with, a moon that talks back, to live life so alive fear shakes in my shadow." - Not Asking Much, Derek Deyling

3199. If you'll accept a lie, I am a neatly tied bundle of successful ever afters, in truth a mess of scrap paper if only's.

3200. "For the first time in my life I thought to myself, 'This how it's supposed to be,' me behind the wheel and you feet away, free to speak our hearts out loud as we drove in the opposite direction of everything and everyone who never understood. In the silence between songs I would look at you with this sort of happy-sadness that only comes during the greatest moments in life, when you realize that nothing will ever be this good, this right, this pure again. So I stuck my head out the window and screamed at the sky. You put your feet on the dashboard and laughed 'till you cried." -Once it a while, it feels right, Derek Deyling

3201. "When I walk in, men buy me drinks before I even reach the bar. They fall in love with me after one night, even if we never touch. I tell you I've got this shit down to a science. They sweat with my memory, alone in cheap rooms they listen to moans through the wall, and wonder if that's me. But I'm already two states awake, lying with a boy I let drink rain from the pulse at my throat. No one leaves me, I'm the one that chooses. I show up like money on the sidewalk." -Kim Addonizio, Muse

3202. "I've swallowed enough goodbyes that one might think I've been leaving forever. Talented at not looking back more than once, to be sure no one's following. When you haven't a clue where you're going at least have the decency not to drag someone with you. Cut ties and just go, it hurts more quicker, but less over time." -No good at staying out, Derek Deyling

3203. Kim

Dancing on the gravestone of who she used to be back before they found her hanging from a willow tree. She's shouting now, "I beat you! I beat you depression and death!" Laughing quite hysterically between each raking breath. Calmer now, she notices sees for the first time her motions make no stir her screamings all been mimed. With skin that's turned to leather hugging brittle bones she grabs her ruby hair and sees it no longer glows.

Death will steal your beauty with biting, swift decay you're far too lovely to let it win that's all I have to say. -Derek Deyling

3204. Well, you got to be skinny and I got to leave.

Well, you still don't feel pretty and I no longer breathe. - Derek Deyling

3205. Roses are red.

Time turns them brown.

Everything pretty.

Ends up in the ground. -Derek Deyling

3206. Taking into consideration that hindsight is clearest, she was smoke. She scorched lungs and left her scent on your lips, and it's been a pack a day since. Drunk she once said, "I didn't always want to burn down the world, but it's so dark in here," so you broke your fingers down for matchsticks. On a bad day she'll light you up like a forest fire and leave, on a good day she might stay to watch you burn. -Derek Deyling

3207. "I don't want to look back in five years time and think, 'We could have been magnificent, but I was afraid.' In five years I want to tell of how fear tried to cheat me out of the best thing in life, and I didn't let it."

3208. "No one expects you to have everything together. 6,000 years of recorded history and not a single person has all the answers - did you expect to be the first? Life is exploration and discovery, not reading off an instructions manual and following a dotted red line marked 'Happiness.' Blaze a trail for God's sake! Scrape your knees a bit. Kiss some strangers and make a fool of yourself. Raise a few questions, but don't expect many answers. We're all a bit lost you know, so do yourself a favor and stop trying to be found." -Derek Deyling

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