Quotes Of The Day! 3/15/14

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2105. "You cannot fix a problem that you refuse to acknowledge." -Margaret Heffernan

2106. Every man can change and every man will change. But there's only one woman they will change for.

2107. "Even in this world where you're getting everything you need and having this nice life, there's still loneliness and longing and disconnection." -Spike Jonze

2108. Do I want you?


Will I chase you?


I'll walk after you a little just cause I really like you though.

2109. Please stop pretending you're sorry.

2110. Nobody things these days.

2111. And the worst part is..

..no one knows how close I am to drowning.

2112. Nobody cares.

I know.

2113. IMAGINE.

2114. "Well done is better than well said." -Benjamin Franklin

2115. "Just be honest about how you feel about people while you're alive." -John Mayer

2116. We hurt the ones who love us the most and love those who don't deserve our love at all.

2117. "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right." -Henry Ford

2118. "I'm beginning to think that maybe it's not just how much you love someone. Maybe what matters is who you are when you're with them." -The Accidental Tourist

2119, "Every strike brings me closer to the next home run." -Babe Ruth

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