Quotes Of The Day! 12/3/13

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592. If you're not weird, don't expect me to understand you.

593. You promised me you'd stay.

594. Wherever you are, I hope you're okay.

595. I've kinda been secretly falling apart.

596. Let's cuddle please.

597. It's a funny thing people assume those who are depressed never smile always wear black stay away from everyone etc. But the truth is those who really are sad seem the happiest act social and give people the most advice because they don't want anyone to know the emptiness they feel and no one sees them at night in their true mine on the bathroom floor with a tissue in one hand and a razor in the other. These people are the best actors mankind has.

598. "Why do you have scars?"

"I've been fighting."

"Who against?"


599. I'm not afraid of tomorrow because I know God is already there.

600. You really hurt me.

601. Fact: Sometimes the people who don't talk to you are the ones that really want to.

602. I still remember the sound of your voice that night.

603. I'm not even angry or upset anymore, I'm just kind of numb.

604. I might seem strong, but I break.

605. When we're drowning, just breathe just before passing out. Calls to this, voluntary apnea. Whatever we're going, the instinct not to leave. Water entering is so strong that only opened his mouth when we feel that our head will explode. When he finally let go, it stops hurting. Ceases to be scary. It is even peaceful. -Parts of Stiles lines on TEEN WOLF!!!

606. "I'm going to marry you."

"No ones going to marry me I'm a handful."

"I am." "I have two hands don't worry."

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