Quotes Of The Day! 4/15/14

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3090. Every mouth you've ever kissed was just practice. All the bodies you've ever undressed and plunged into were preparing you for me. I don't mind tasting them in the memory of your mouth. Was it a long journey? Did it take you long to find me? You're here now, welcome home. - Warsan Shire

3091. Man, time really flies when you take two naps a day.

3092. A stranger to myself and to the world, armed solely with a thought that negates itself as soon as it asserts, what is this condition in which I can have peace only by refusing to know and to live, and wish the appetite for conquest bumps into walls that defy it's insults? - Albert Camus, The Myth Of Sisyphus

3093. I'm only responsible for what I say not for what you understand.

3094. Me: Can I go to the bathroom?

Teacher: What for?

Me: TO OPEN THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS, what do you think?!

3095. Don't settle for someone who doesn't give you things to say. Forever is a long time to make small talk.- Iain S. Thomas

3096. I could get lost in a voice like yours.

3097. "The worst that could happen is that you could end up where you are right now." - Bishop T.D. Jakes

3098. Me?



3099. "I don't give a shit what the world thinks. I was born a bitch. I was born a painter, I was born fucked. But I was happy in my way. You did not understand what I am. I am love. I am pleasure, I am essence, I am an idiot, I am an alcoholic, I am tenacious. I am; simply I am... you're little shit." - Frida Kahlo, from an unsent letter to Diego Rivera

3100. Darling, look at me. I've fallen like a fool for you.

3101. "For poetry was all written before time was and whenever we are so finely organized that we can penetrate into the region where the air is music, we hear those primal warbling's, and attempt to write them down, but we lose ever and anon a word, a verse, and substitute something for our own, and thus miswrite the poem." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

3102. Always find time for the things that makes you feel happy to be alive.

3103. Whenever you read a cancer booklet or website or whatever, they always list depression among the side effects of cancer. But, in fact, depression is not a side effect of cancer. Depression is a side effect of dying. - John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

3104. You can't just look at someone and say "You don't actually have these problems."

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