Chapter XIX : Chasing Fires and Cries

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"In wars past only homes burnt, but this time don't be surprised if even loneliness ignites. In wars past only bodies burnt, but this time don't be surprised if even shadows ignite." -Kamila Shamsie

Inconnu whirled around herself, finding that she was in the thick of a forest. Old trees grew tall and twisted, a heavy presence lingering. There was more to this forest and her instincts warned her to not anger the trees, to not walk among them with any form of perceived threat.

With great care in her steps Inconnu began to wander through the trees, her confidence growing the further she went without retaliation to her presence. She had no idea as to her destination, only the inkling that something important, something terrible, would happen in this forest.

Flickering orange light in the distance caught her attention, and it only when she was but a few yards away that Inconnu realized she had moved. The flickering grew stronger, and Inconnu recognized the light to be fire. A fire that was growing larger as the seconds passed by. Soon she was at the very edges of the blaze, noting with great surprise that she did not feel the heat of the flames.

The great trees were burning, dry wood snapping and large branches breaking off from far above the ground. Inconnu dodged such a branch as it fell, not willing to tempt fate by testing her apparent invulnerability. She could almost feel the pain of the forest as the fire raged, as it blackened what was once a variety of earthen browns and greens. This was a terrible sight indeed.

It was then that a high-pitched screech, filled with sheer pain and fear, overwhelmed her ears. Inconnu nearly clutched at them, the sound of such cries almost too much to bear. Then it stopped, the crackling of the fire around her the only sound until it sounded again. Inconnu decided to see what was causing such screams and ran toward the sound, wary of the dangerous terrain that was her path. Deeper into the flames.

She then stumbled upon a small clearing, only barely being able to called one. Here Inconnu was at the heart of the great fire, and she knew that this was where it started. In the center of the small area was a separate burning fire, more appropriately, a bonfire. The flames licked at strangely arranged branches, giving the appearance of a humanoid figure. As if made from the very trees of this forest.

The screeches were coming from the bonfire, but not from the creature of wood. The limbs made of branches were still, unmoving as it burned. Inconnu lifted a hand as to better shield her eyes from the fires, and it was then that she saw the dark figure, trapped underneath the creature as it too burned.

No. Not it... Him.

Inconnu's eyes widened in shock as she saw the longsword only a few feet away, recognizing the pommel. Her hands went to her mouth, in complete shock of the scene that was before her. She didn't know what to do, didn't know how to help him. Inconnu's mind was in turmoil, warring between utter shock and pure instinct.


Her instincts won out when the Witch-King reached out to her, his iron gauntlet outstretched as far as it could go. It was so very clear as to how much pain he was in, and Inconnu thought she would never see Er-Murazor emanating so much fear. The mere thought of the Witch-King being afraid of anything was a ridiculous notion, and yet here he was. Burning and very much afraid.

The moments seemed to slow the closer Inconnu got to him, as if time did not wish for her to reach him. She defied it however, refusing to leave him alone in such a state, reaching for her. Then she was on her knees beside him, both hands grasping onto his gauntlet. Reason dictated that the iron it was made of should be hot from the flames, but to her it was cool to the touch.

His Corrupted Mind [Witch-King x OC]Where stories live. Discover now