Not so Average

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Juliette's point of view

Man today has been really hard. I thought to myself as I flopped down on the bed. I'm not your all so average girl, but everyone thinks I am. I'm a senior in high school, one of the most popular girls. I am captain of the volleyball, basketball and softball teams. Everyone thinks I have it so fucking great. I rolled my eyes at the thought. It wasn't so great. Fuckboys come left and right, girls pick on me, they say it's jealousy, but they pick the flaws I have, and then I come home to an abusive mother. Thank God she isn't home right now I can't deal with her. I'm so tired from school and practice. Maybe I'll check Instagram to get my mind off of everything. I grabbed my phone out of my bookbag and laid back down. I noticed I had a DM.
"Please don't be a fuckboy." I thought to myself as I clicked the messages. My heart stopped. My mouth hung open and my eyes were so wide.
"You have got to be kidding me." I said out loud as I read the message.
""Hey, my name is Colby, I think you know that from where you follow me, and your bio is something I posted once😂 Anyways I just want to say you're so beautiful, and I would really like to get to know you☺️ Reply as soon as possible if you want to😅"
"No fucking way." I whispered to myself rereading it.
"Okay Juliette play it cool." I whispered to myself at least 20 times before actually replying.
"Hi Colby, my name is Juliette. Yeah I know who you are😅 Also it would be lovely to get to know you." I typed out. Should I send it? Gosh what if he thinks I'm a freak? Don't back out now Juliette. All these thoughts going through my head, I closed my eyes and pressed send. Fuck Juliette you forgot to say thank you for the compliment
"Also thanks for calling me beautiful." I typed out and hit send. Great now you're gonna look desperate. God you're so stupid Juliette. It'll take a while for him to see the DM maybe I should just take a nap. I shut my phone off and closed my eyes. Soon enough I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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