Mystery Girl

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::Colby's pov::

I called Juliette around 11 am. It's 11 pm now, and she still hasn't called me back. I laid on my be biting my nails. I hope she's Okay.
I hurriedly pushed answer.
"Hey princess." I smiled.
"Hey Colby Koala." She smiled back. She was in a tank top, sweats, her hair was up, and she had no makeup on. She was still the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen.
"So where are you?" I asked laying back on my bed.
"In a hotel." She stated getting up and standing her phone up on a nightstand as she went through her suitcase.
"You're on vacation by yourself?" I asked her.
"Yep... Colby help me pick out what to wear tomorrow." She stated pulling some clothes out.
"Okay.." I agreed. She showed me about 4 different long sleeves and about 4 different pairs of jeans.
"Hmmm wear the dark blue long sleeve that says dream in black letters and has the dream catcher, with the black skinny jeans, the dark blue vans, and your dark blue snapback." I stated.
"Okay thank you Colby." She smiled pushing a piece of her hair back.
"No problem baby girl." I smiled back. She laid out her clothes and then grabbed her phone to where I can see her better. I made her smile, and I was smiling also. I took a screenshot. In the picture she was laughing and so was I. Her hazel eyes were light up beautifully, and her hair was falling in her face.
"You're literally the most perfect person." I gushed.. I realized I had said that out loud and began to blush. I heard her phone and knew she had taken a screenshot. I stuck my tongue out at her and we both laughed.
"Colby I have to go. I'm so tired.." Juliette said and I knew she was dozing in and out.
"Alright sweet dreams baby girl." I told her and then hung up because her eyes were closed. I then got on Instagram, and everyone was talking about my mystery girl. I laughed and then began to upload the screenshot of our FaceTime call.
"Okay guys, this is the mystery girl. She is amazing, beautiful, everything I've ever wanted. No we aren't dating, but I hope to change that soon💕 I hope you guys like her as much as I do." I wrote that with the picture and uploaded it. I didn't tag her in it because I didn't want her receiving mean comments. I love my fans so much, and they wouldn't hate on her, but you never know about the rest of the world. With that I posted the same thing on twitter. My phone was going off the hook. Most of the comment were "She's so pretty." Or "Colby you're mine." I read some of them and then went to sleep. Tomorrow I had a meeting at 10 am.

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